Learning Services
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- Learning Services Overview
Curriculum & Instruction Overview
- E-Learning In Naperville 203
- Early Childhood
- Elementary
- Junior High
- High School
- High School Program Planning Guide
- Instructional Resources
- College, Career & Life Readiness
- Professional Learning
- Title I
- ESSER Grant
- Academically Talented
- Early Entrance to Kindergarten Process
- Accelerated Placement Process
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- STEM Innovation
- Summer Learning
E-Learning in Naperville 203
E-Learning will provide our students with a continuation of learning on days when we are unable to open its school buildings. Students will receive at least five hours of asynchronous instruction or school work through their Canvas accounts.
Support From Teachers
Staff members are available from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. to respond to students' needs. Teachers will not provide live streaming/concurrent instruction or synchronous learning. Instead, students will be given assignments aligned to current learning progression and goals.
- Communication methods may include: Email, Canvas, Seesaw and/or Zoom, among others
- Teachers will check on the completion of necessary e-Learning assignments
- Teachers will provide students with extended time, as needed
AttendanceThe State of Illinois recognizes e-Learning days as regular attendance days, thus they will not need to be made up. Naperville 203 will use e-Learning days in lieu of emergency days, which were previously used for emergency school closings.
- Parents should follow the same absent attendance process as regular school day.
- Call the school if your student is sick and unable to participate in the e-Learning day
- Students will be considered present unless excused by parent/guardian
- All absences should be called in by 9 a.m.
Tech SupportIn preparation for the possibility of an e-Learning day, students should bring their computers and other technology tools home each day. For all tech support please click HERE.