• School Safety in 203: Never Sacrifice Safety for Convenience

    In Naperville 203, with an ongoing commitment from the Board of Education, safety and security continues to be a priority in our schools. Through partnerships with local agencies, such as the Naperville Police Department, we align our practices and initiatives to create safe schools for our community. We believe the foundation of safe schools begins with relationships that are developed between our students, staff, caregivers and community members. Below are specific steps we take, through a layered approach to maintain safe schools: 

    Planning in 203

    Under the leadership of our Director of Safety & Security, Naperville 203 meets with first responder agencies on a regular basis to update emergency operating procedures. Local law enforcement agencies also utilize Naperville 203 facilities to conduct armed intruder training during non-school hours. Our Director of Safety & Security is also a member of the Northern Illinois School Safety Administrator Association and the DuPage School Safety Task Force. 

    Prevention in 203

    Research is clear that school safety and security is the responsibility of the community. We emphasize and remind our students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members that if you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Report any unsafe action to a 203 staff member and/or through our online Tip203 or Let's Talk

    School Climate 

    Research is also clear: Students and staff must feel they belong and have strong connections to others to truly feel safe while at school. Therefore, we put a lot of effort into building positive relationships with one another so everyone feels comfortable and supported. 

    Student Resources

    Students at each of our schools have access to school psychologists, social workers, and highly qualified teachers. Junior high schools and high schools are also staffed with counselors and deans. Additionally, starting in the 2022-2023 school year, we have added Outreach and Student Belonging Directors to support students and families within our district. Each of these staff members provides necessary support in creating an overall environment of belonging for our students, staff and community. 

    Student Content Monitoring Technology

    203 utilizes a system that monitors the students account and devices, (district email, district chrome book drive, and chats at the HS level) and alerts staff of questionable content and possible threats including bullying, violence and suicidal ideation.  This technology is also capable of directly contacting the police department, depending on the level and nature of the threat.

    Behavior Threat Assessment

    203 utilizes a robust behavior threat assessment process called the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines, CSTAG that is used to determine the level  and seriousness of a threat when one is received.  This process is designed to ensure objectivity and is accomplished with a district level multi-disciplinary behavior threat assessment team.  The intention of this process is to avert incidents of violence, identify students in need of support, deliver that support and help the student avoid a pathway to violence.

    Working together, we can continue to ensure our schools are the safe, welcoming places every student, staff member and volunteer deserves!

    Facilities in 203

    In 203 all our schools have been designed with safety and security in mind and follow school safety and security best practices including but not limited to;

    • Closed and Locked Exterior Doors, Locked Interior Doors
    • Full complement of security cameras 
      • Video cameras are installed throughout our schools and their exteriors to assist in maintaining a secure environment. First responders are also provided access to video feeds in the event of an emergency situation.  
    • Single point of entry, (All Visitors enter through Door #1)
    • Multi layer visitor screening process 
      • Visitors to each of our schools are greeted at the entrance prior to gaining access. Screening ensures we understand who and why individuals are visiting before they are allowed to enter. Upon entry, our visitors are also screened further through our robust check-in system which requires a valid identification scan against multiple databases. All visitors are required to check-in, wear a visitor badge, and check-out when leaving school grounds. 
    • Identification worn by all staff and visitors

    Safety Drills in 203 - 105 ILCS 128/ School Safety Drill Act.

    Each school year, our faculty and students participate in multiple safety drills. These drills include severe weather, fire, bus evacuation, and armed intruder. Serving students between age 3 and 21, our drills are supervised by our staff and organized with age appropriate language to ensure even our youngest learners are developing situational awareness in their learning environment. By Illinois code, our safety drills are also observed by local fire and police agencies annually to ensure we are meeting a high standard. Additionally, we coordinate with the Department of Homeland Security to conduct cyber attack testing of our network. 

    Communication in 203

    In the event of an emergency, our priority is to ensure students, staff and visitors are in a place of safety. Simultaneously, we are preparing communication to inform the community of the emergency and provide updates as new information is learned. Parents/guardians can expect to receive emergency notifications via email and text as soon as possible. However, please keep in mind that the safety of our students and staff is the priority and communication may take time during an emergency situation.