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Science Overview High School
Science Philosophy
District 203 believes in a student-centered environment that will spark imagination and curiosity through inquiry-driven investigations and inspire critical interpretation of science information.
Students will actively participate in science and engineering practices to understand the core ideas and connections between physical, Earth and space, and life science and to understand, use, and interpret scientific explanations of natural phenomena.
Students will be empowered to draw, share, and defend conclusions based on evidence and design solutions that can be applied to the world around them.
The Three Dimensions of Science Learning
Within the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), there are three distinct and equally important dimensions to learning science—Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. These dimensions are combined to form each standard—or performance expectation—and each dimension works with the other two to help students build a cohesive understanding of science over time.
High School Science OverviewBelow is the progression of learning for science in District 203 for high school.Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Asking Questions & Defining ProblemsDeveloping & Using ModelsPlanning & Carrying our InvestigationsAnalyzing & Interpreting DataConstructing Explanations & Designing Solutions Engaging inArgument from EvidenceObtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating InformationPatternsCause & Effect: Mechanism & ExplanationScale Proportion & QualitySystems & System ModelsEnergy & Matter: Flows, Cycles, & ConservationStructure & FunctionStability & ChangeDisciplinary Core Ideas Grade Semester 1 Semester 2 9th GradeChemistryHonors ChemistryUnit 1: Matter and Its InteractionsUnit 2: Organization of the Periodic TableUnit 3: Bonding and IMFUnit 4: Reactions, Moles, and StoichiometryUnit 5: ThermochemistryUnit 6: Light, Stars, and Nuclear Energy10th GradeBiologyHonors BiologyUnit 1: The Cycling of MatterUnit 2: EnergyUnit 3: Mitosis, Cell Cycle, and DNAUnit 4: Protein Synthesis, Meiosis, and GeneticsUnit 5: Evidence for EvolutionUnit 6: Mechanics for Evolution11th GradePhysicsUnit 1: MechanicsUnit 2: FieldsUnit 3: WavesUnit 4: Human Impact