Proof of Residency

  • A student’s address is the same as the person who has legal residential custody of the student. Please select the form that most accurately represents your current living arrangement.

    • Homeowner
    • Renter
    • Third Party - Homeowner - The definition of a 3rd Party with Homeowner is when the parent/guardian and student live with another person who owns the home. Both parties (homeowner and parent) must be present when updating residency at our Centralized Enrollment Office.
    • Third Party - Renter - The definition of a 3rd Party with Renter is when the parent/guardian and student live with another person who is named as the leaseholder. Both parties (leaseholder and parent) must be present when updating residency at our Centralized Enrollment Office.

    Our Centralized Enrollment Office is located at the District 203 Administration Building, 203 W. Hillside Road, Naperville, IL 60540. Our hours are: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 

    For general questions, please call our Centralized Enrollment Office at (630)548-4320.

    If you need additional assistance, please contact Maureen Dvorak, School Services Manager at or (630) 420-6446.



    Please make an appointment to provide your updated proof of residency in person at our

    Centralized Enrollment Office,

    located at the District 203 Administration Center, 203 W. Hillside Road, Naperville


    In the best interests of time and preparation, as well as health and safety, walk-ins are not encouraged. Questions? Call (630) 548-4320.