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- New Student Residency and Enrollment
- 2025-2026 Kindergarten Enrollment
- Ann Reid Early Childhood Center Enrollment
- Proof of Residency
- Military Family Enrollment
- Current Student Change of Address
- School Fees
- School Information
- Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
- Feeder School Information
- 2024-2025 Online Annual Update
Enrollment FAQs
Is there a difference between enrollment and registration?
Enrollment is typically a one time only event that occurs when a student enters the school system for the first time. Parents or guardians must prove residency and provide other pertinent information in order to enroll their child/children. If a student leaves the district and returns, the parent/guardian(s) is required to re-enroll their student(s).
Registration is a yearly event in which parents/guardians update information and pay fees for their children. Junior high and high school students receive class schedules and complete other functions to prepare for a new school year. -
What is online enrollment?
All families new to Naperville 203 are encouraged to enroll their new student through our online enrollment application. In order to successfully begin the enrollment process, it is recommended that parents and guardians of new students have an email address. It is a two-step process that involves:
- Entering family and student information online.
- Proof of residency, original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate and legal custody documents must be presented in person at our Centralized Enrollment Office.
Centralized Enrollment will:
- Review the online enrollment application
- Verify residency
- Review legal documentation (birth certificates, parenting/custody agreements, etc.)
- Approve enrollment
What is the school's role regarding enrollment?
- Confirmation of enrollment will be forward to the school from the Centralized Enrollment Office
- Schools will assist families with information on fees, school supplies, etc.
- High school students will meet with a counselor to select courses
Where is the Centralized Enrollment Office?
The Centralized Enrollment Office is located at the District 203 Administrative Center, 203 W. Hillside Road, Naperville, IL.
When are centralized enrollment services available?
Centralized Enrollment Office hours during the school year are Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with early and late hours available by appointment only (call 630-548-4320).
Summer hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., again with early and late hours by appointment only.
How can families learn more about centralized enrollment?
Call the Centralized Enrollment Office at 630-548-4320 during regular office hours or leave a message. A member of the Centralized Enrollment Team will be happy to provide assistance.
Do I, as the parent/guardian, have the ability to choose for my student to repeat the same grade-level again next year?
The School Code gives the District authority to determine grade placement when a child re-enrolls in school. In D203, grade-level decisions are made by the building principal. The Illinois School Code requires us to consider completion of curriculum, attendance, performance on assessments, and all available assessment information we have for a student as this decision is made.
What age is school required in Illinois?
Illinois School Code requires children in Illinois to be educated starting at the age of 6. School attendance is also required for children under the age of 6 once they have enrolled in kindergarten.
What grade-level will a student be placed in if they did not attend kindergarten in 2023-2024 but will be 6 years old on or before September 1, 2024?
Generally, the parent will have the choice of kindergarten or first grade at the time they enroll. However, some instances may require a discussion between the parent and the school principal.
What process does District 203 utilize to make decisions about retention for elementary students?
Retention is allowable under Illinois State Code. However, grade-level determination remains the decision of the building principal and not the choice of a parent/guardian. Generally, retention is not appropriate except in extraordinary circumstances and based on a thorough review of all available assessment information. Current D203 families should contact the building principal no later than May 1 if they want the school to consider retention for their student next school year. New D203 families should make this request at the time of enrollment. Our Centralized Enrollment Office will share this request with the building principal who will contact the parent/guardian to discuss their request at a later time.