
  • Talk203 is an email and telephone notification system that helps the District and the schools better communicate with families. These communications include emergency messages, special events, as well as District and school news updates. This is a powerful communications tool that is interconnected with the student information database, Infinite Campus.

    Parents/Guardians Automatically Included

    Because Talk203 is connected to Infinite Campus, no signup is needed. District 203 families are automatically included and parents need to do nothing when students change grade or school - it will automatically be updated.

    IF YOU ARE A CUSTODIAL PARENT/GUARDIAN OF A DISTRICT 203 STUDENT, OR A DISTRICT 203 STAFF MEMBER, DO NOT SIGN UP BELOW FOR COMMUNITY TALK203. You are automatically included if you have already provided your school with an email address. If you are a custodial parent/guardian and have not provided an email address, please call the school(s) directly. School phone numbers are available in the Schools section.

    Community Member Signup

    Interested non-custodial parents and community members are invited to SIGN UP to receive District email messages.  Non-custodial parents and community members receive District information only; it is not possible to send Community Talk203 participants email specific to particular schools.

    Talk203 Submission Form

    Do you have news to share?  All message submissions must be cleared through appropriate administrators. Messages are due by noon on Wednesday.  Further instructions are contained on the Talk203 Submission Form. LIMIT OF TWO SUBMISSIONS WEEKLY

    Weekly E-Newsletter

    Naperville 203 sends a digital e-newsletter each week during the school year. All entries in the Talk203 weekly e-newsletter support and further the goals of Naperville 203 and its Board of Education. Information and activities that conflict with public, tax-supported efforts already in place will not be included. 

Current Talk203 E-Newsletter