What does the Communications and Community Relations Department do?
Just as the Learning Services Department is closest to the classroom, the Communications and Community Relations Department is closest to the community which supports that classroom. We interact with hundreds of volunteers and share thousands of communications during any given school year, serving as a liaison between (and within) schools and communities.
The Communications and Community Relations Department has four main areas of focus:
- Communication with both internal and external stakeholders via various publications, social media, website content management and Talk203, our email notification system, community events and forums
- Facilitation of media relations, working closely with print reporters, as well as television and radio stations, to report daily/weekly District 203 activities, as well as serving as a liaison in emergency situations
- Coordination of District 203 volunteer organizations, which serve students and staff by providing the additional support necessary to sustaining quality education - see list of organizations on left side bar
- Promote good news and best practice sharing via community event participation and District Award Recognition.
Our mission:
- Support and further the goals of the District 203 Board of Education
- Bolster and enhance the quality of teaching and learning for District 203 staff and students by partnering with the community to create a shared vision of excellence
- Increase two-way communication between the school district and the community to create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation among all stakeholders