Diversity & Inclusion Resources

  • Anti-Racism Resources

    Recent events have prompted parents and caregivers to have discussions with their children about racism, discrimination, protesting, and civil unrest. Many parents of children of color and other marginalized communities have had these conversations to prepare their children for the multitude of ways they may face discrimination and injustice in their lives. However, conversations about racism and discrimination are vital for all parents to have with their children.

    Discussions about racism and discrimination might prompt follow-up questions about the enslavement of Africans in the United States, unjust laws, women’s rights and civil rights movements, Islamophobia, and topics currently in the news including anti-Asian sentiment and COVID-19, police brutality and kneeling during the National Anthem. Children often want to know why and how situations have come to be. These are great questions but some parents might feel unprepared to answer those questions. Dr. Rakeda Leaks, Executive Director of Diversity & Inclusion compiled a list of resources to support parents in having conversations about race and included information to help one understand the socio-historical context of race, racism, and discrimination. Click the link below to access anti-racism resources for parents. This list is not exhaustive and will continue to be updated as additional resources become available.

    Anti-Racism Resources for Parents/Caregivers

    Recursos antirracistas en español

    Esta lista incluye recursos del contexto estadounidense, latinoamericano y español ya que el racismo es un tema global y no exclusivo a los Estados Unidos. Estos recursos incluyen temas sobre las comunidades negras y los pueblos originarios. 

    Esta lista no es exhaustiva y continuaré agregando más recursos con el paso del tiempo. ¡Gracias por difundir esta información y gracias a todas las personas que desarrollaron todo el contenido de esta lista!

    Lista recopilada por Dra. Gabriela Kovats Sánchez 

    (IG: @profekovats / Twitter: @KovatsSanchez) 

    Úlitma actualización: 9 de junio, 2020


    Immigrant and Undocumented Students and Families

    LGBTQ+ Resources