Rental Categories for Organizations

  • Class I: No charges. All Naperville District 203 approved school-affiliated activities and organizations, including student organizations, alumni organizations, all staff organizations among employees, and all community organizations within District 203 directly affiliated with the schools (Naperville Education Foundation, Home and School, Booster Clubs, IHSA, SFCP, HURRAH, DuPage Valley Conference, etc.).
    Class II: Personnel charges. Community groups supported wholly or in part by local taxes (Naperville Park District, Naperville Police Department, District Staff's Professional Organizations Meetings, etc.).

    Class III: Personnel, equipment, and rated facility charges. Community groups within this District (YMCA, Naperville Baseball Association, Naperville Youth Football League, Sokol, NCTV, etc.) are supported by voluntary contributions of the people whose purposes in some degree parallel those of the schools: non-profit, private schools within District 203 and their affiliated organizations, colleges, and universities; groups for non-profit, religious, charitable, philanthropic, or civic uses, and which do not charge a spectator admission to attend the event being held at a District 203 facility.
    Class IV: Personnel, equipment, and rated facility charges. Community groups within this District (YMCA, Naperville Baseball Association, Naperville Youth Football League, Sokol, NCTV, etc.) are supported by voluntary contributions of the people whose purposes in some degree parallel those of the schools; non-profit, private schools within District 203 and their affiliated organizations, colleges, and universities; groups for non-profit, religious, charitable, philanthropic, or civic uses, and which charge a spectator admission to attend the event being held at a District 203 facility.
    Class V: Personnel, equipment, and rated facility charges. Groups within District 203 for profit.
    Class VI: Personnel, equipment, and rated facility charges. Groups outside District 203 for-profit


    • Class I, II, III and IV (non-profit) organizations must provide proof of tax-free status, as defined by regulations of the federal and state governments. 
    • District 203 Business Partners are classified based on the nature of the business, and the nature of the planned activity.