203 InFocus
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Naperville 203's Instructional Mindset
- Episode #1: Facilitate Purposeful Instruction
- Episode #2: Build A Sense Of Community & Collaboration
- Episode #3: Foster Joy & Excitement For Learning
- Episode #4: Establish & Communicate An Inclusive Environment
- Episode #5: Cultivate A Growth Mindset & High Expectations For All Students
- Episode #6: Design Inquiry-Based Learning To Spark Curiosity & Innovation
- Episode #7: Leverage Student Evidence & Authentic Assessments To Design Instruction
- Episode #8: Provide Continuous Feedback & Opportunities For Reflection
- Episode #9: Embrace & Nurture Global & Cultural Perspectives
- Episode #10: Promote Digital & Connected Learning Environments
Episode #9: Embrace & Nurture Global & Cultural Perspectives
This is just a snapshot of how we Embrace & Nurture Global & Cultural Perspectives in Naperville 203. After watching the video, we invite you to join our discussion by responding to the prompt:
"How has your student(s) benefitted from embracing & nurturing global & cultural perspectives?"