School Day Operations
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Naperville Central High School
At Naperville Central, we value each Redhawk’s unique perspective and contribution to both the classroom community and our school community. In order to maximize growth in academic and interpersonal skills, we are renewing our focus on three important aspects of community contribution at Naperville Central in 2024-2025; attendance, responsible use of technology, and appropriate language use.
Be Present
- In person class time is valuable and Redhawks are expected to be in attendance, on time, and present for the entire duration of each class period.
- Redhawks demonstrate their commitment to the classroom community by being present and ready to learn.
- Being present allows for community learning experiences, which prepare Redhawks to meet future goals and develop the essential skills of collaboration, communication, and accountability.
Be Engaged
- By limiting unnecessary digital distractions, Redhawks become better listeners and thinkers, more focused, productive, and connected to others around them. Devices will remain stored for the duration of each class period unless explicitly aligned to instruction and permitted by the teacher.
- Redhawks will store their cell phones and earbuds in their bag or designated location upon entering the classroom.
- Being engaged means the individual is wholly present in the learning environment and not everywhere all at once (on social media, in text conversations, outside the classroom, etc).
Be Respectful
- At NCHS, every person is respected and valued. Being respectful communicates a desire to create communities that honor and celebrate self and others, build the skills necessary to access a successful future, and problem solve individual and community needs.
- Redhawks respect themselves and our community by using language that is appropriate for a school and professional setting. Language that threatens harm or is negative about a person’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, languages they speak, religion, ability, and/or gender will not be tolerated.
- All areas of our campus are learning spaces and a reflection of Redhawk pride. We demonstrate appropriate actions and take personal responsibility for the care of other people, spaces, equipment, and shared resources.
Redhawks care for each member of our community by fulfilling the expectation of being the third person [(Be)] and intervening or reporting situations where a member of our community is being harmed or safety is threatened.
Tip203 - Reporting a Concern
To report an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
The purpose of this tip line is to report situations so that they may be taken care of in a positive and respectful manner. We encourage good faith reporting of information through this website. You may report incidences of harrassment, bullying, suspicious behavior, concerns regarding a student or any other issue that does not require immediate assistance. This tip line is not monitored 24/7. For an immediate response, please use your telephone and dial 911.
Whether your concern is regarding an incident that has already occurred or one that is about to take place, please submit your issue along with any details you have and let us investigate. Tips may include, but are not limited to, bullying, fights or assaults, use or sale of drugs, weapons, domestic violence, or any crimes against children. Tips regarding academic concerns should be addressed with your teacher or your counselor.Please note, it is a federal crime to anonymously "annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person" via the internet.Efforts will be placed on confidentiality, and all concerns will be investigated in a timely manner.
Reporting Absences
If a student is absent from or late to school, the parents or guardian, not student, must notify the Attendance Office as early as possible., stating the reason for the student’s absence. In order for the absence to be coded properly, a reason must be stated. Communication options include telephone (630)420-6966, email ( or or Parent Infinite Campus portal. When parents or guardians are out of town, they are expected to contact the Attendance Office prior to leaving and designate an adult responsible for their student. Students may not report their own absences.
If a student leaves the building between 7:45 am and 3:10 pm, they must sign/scan out at Doors 1, 8 or 20. Any student who leaves the building unauthorized will receive a consequence.
Mental Health Days: Illinois Public Act 102-0321 permits students to take mental or behavioral health days. Unlike other days taken that are related to an illness/sickness, after the second ‘mental health’ day is taken by a student, Student Services staff will collaborate with student/families to ensure that students have the social, emotional and behavioral support they need.
Field Trips: Students must notify their instructors in advance of all field trips. Some instructors require assignments that must be handed in prior to the absence. A teacher may deny participation in a field trip for academic reasons. If this occurs, the student will attend scheduled classes. According to the field trip guidelines, there is a limit of three field trips per class, per semester.
Make-up Work Resulting from an AbsenceIf a student is absent, we advise the student to make contact with his/her teacher via email to request missing assignments. If the absence extends beyond three days, please contact the Counselor.It is the student's responsibility to check with teachers about work missed due to absences. The teacher and/or Department Chair will decide when make-up work is due. When a student is truant, no credit may be given for make-up work. Many courses require a project/paper with a specific deadline announced well in advance. Examples include: research papers, group activity, volunteer hours, speech, etc. If a student is absent and excused on the deadline date, it is the expectation that the assignment is still to be handed in on the deadline date, no later than the period in which the class is scheduled.Truancy and Disciplinary Procedures:
Truancy means that a student is not in attendance for 20 minutes or more of their scheduled class or classes, and there is no ‘excused’ reason for the absence. When a student is truant they receive a referral and will be seen by a Dean or Dean’s Assistant, who will assign consequences. Note: there may also be an academic consequence, assigned by the teacher, for truancy.
Consequences range from conferring with the Dean or Assistant to the assignment of detentions and may include a truancy ordinance ticket and withdrawal from class without credit. Continued infractions have a cumulative effect in terms of disciplinary action.
Tardiness Warnings and Disciplinary Procedures
Tardiness means “not being in the classroom when the bell rings to signify the end of the passing period”. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential if students are to make use of the educational opportunities that school offers.
Tardiness is recorded on a cumulative basis, per quarter, for all classes. The following are the guidelines and corresponding consequences for tardiness:
1. 1-4 TARDIES – Warning Issued
2. 5-7 TARDIES – 1 hour detention
3. 8-10 TARDIES – 2 hour detention
4. 11-13 TARDIES – 4 hour detention
5. 14+ TARDIES – Administrative Action
Range of Disciplinary Consequences
Detentions: Detentions are assigned in an effort to communicate the importance of following school rules and the fact that inappropriate actions have consequences. All school rules apply during detentions and in-school suspensions.1. Teacher Detentions are designed by individual teachers and range in length of time. Detentions should be served at time reasonably designated by the individual teacher at least one day after the detention was issued.
2. Dean assigned detentions are served in room 101 at the times belowA. AM Detention – 7:00-7:35a.m.
B.Lunch Detention – 50-minute lunch period. Students are to bring their lunch from home or get their lunch from the cafeteria and bring it to the detention room in a timely manner.
C. 1 Hour PM Detention – 3:30-4:30 p.m.
D. 2 Hour PM Detention – 3:30-5:30 p.m.
E. Saturday Detentions range from 1-4 hours and all begin at 7 a.m.Note: Failure to serve a detention will result in a consequence being doubled, failure to serve a 4 hour Saturday detention will result in one day of in-school supsension/intervention.
3. In school suspension/intervention, held in Room 56 from 7:45 a.m.-3:10 p.m. Students must arrive on time with all appropriate educational materials.
4. Out of school suspensions, ranging from 1-10 days based on infraction and student history.
5. Social suspensions, ranging from dances, athletic events, and all other school and District 203 activities.
6. Removal from Class Without Credit
If a student is continually truant and/or disruptive to the classroom environment, he/she may be withdrawn from class for the remainder of the semester without receiving credit for the class and placed in a study hall, pending administrative review.
7. Expulsion
Student is excluded from enrollment as a student of Naperville Community School District #203.
Due Process Procedures
Students and parents who have concerns with disciplinary rulings should follow the steps listed below:
1. Parent/student may request a hearing with the Principal and Dean. Contact may be made by calling the Principal's Office at 420-6422.
2. If parent/student still has concerns, they may request a formal hearing at the district level by contacting the Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education at 420-6318.School Resource Officer
The School Resource Officer is a member of the Naperville Police Department who is assigned to NCHS full time during the school year. This officer serves as a community resource to the students, faculty, and staff, providing easy access to the full range of police services. The SRO may be contacted through the Dean’s Office. The officer assists the deans with investigations, student interviews, programs, and other related areas. The School Resource Officer also provides law-related education through presentations to classes and organizations throughout the school.
Some additional responsibilities will include:1. Act as the criminal justice system’s consultant to the school in matters of law enforcement and juvenile procedures.
2. Assist school officials and parents on runaways.
3. Assist school administration in resolution of criminal and anti-social behavior.
4. Assist in problems involving persons trespassing and committing criminal acts on school property.
5. Meet regularly with school counselors and Deans in an attempt to identify individuals or conditions that could possible result in delinquent behavior.
Video Cameras and Photography
Video Cameras and/or Monitors
To assist in maintaining security and to deter inappropriate conduct, the School District may position video cameras and/or monitors in public areas of school property, such as hallways, stairwells, gymnasium, cafeteria, school buses, and exterior locations of school buildings. Appropriate disciplinary action may be taken for misconduct which is recorded or observed from the cameras and/or monitors.
Videotaping and photography of students for educational purposes:
During the course of the school year your child(ren) will be involved in many school activities that may be captured on video or photographed for sharing and/or placement on the school or website or in District publications. Videotaping and photographing of children in special education settings for non-educational purposes will be authorized only with parental consent. Outside of special education settings, students may be videotaped or photographed by parents, observers, school employees, students and news media personnel from time to time while participating in school activities. If you desire that your student not be videotaped or photographed in these circumstances (outside of special education settings), please be sure to sign the Permissions Denial form that is sent annually in the registration packet and return it to school. This form also provides for exclusion of family contact information (address and phone number) in the Home & School Directory. The Permissions Denial form must be signed and submitted to the principal at the beginning of each school year to avoid any misunderstandings. The form may be accessed on the District 203 website at the following link:
Electronic Devices
Cell Phones: Students may be in possession of cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices during the school day. The use of phones and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the classroom unless permission has been granted by the teacher. Cell phones should not be seen or heard in the classroom setting. Appropriate use of these devices is allowed during non-instructional time (passing periods, lunch periods, before and after school).Music: The use of ear buds and headphones are strictly prohibited in the classroom unless permission has been granted by the teacher. Ear buds and headphones should not be seen or heard in the classroom setting. Students are permitted to use one ear bud or headphone during non-instructional time (passing periods, lunch, before and after school) to ensure safety and security.
Cameras: Use of electronic devices to take, display, or send images without permission is prohibited on school grounds during the course of the school day. The use of any electronic device in locker rooms and restrooms is strictly prohibited at all times.
While every attempt is made to be cordial and helpful to those visitors who have business in the school, it is important that Naperville Central maintain a safe environment for all members of the school community. In addition, it is a goal to minimize disruptions to the educational process in the classroom.Visitor Procedures:
Adults: Adult visitors must enter through the main entrance off Aurora Avenue. Visitors are expected to present a valid driver’s license and sign in with campus security at the station just inside the main entrance to the building. All visitors must secure and wear a visitor’s badge during their stay at Naperville Central. Visitors should then sign out upon leaving campus.Students:Student visitors and/or student guests are discouraged from coming to Naperville Central during the school day. Student visitors may be disruptive to the educational process. Exceptions to this policy might stem from curricular matters, such as student exchanges that are conducted through the World & Classical Language and Humanities Departments.Trespass Notice
No person or persons are to enter school property without legitimate reasons for being present. Trespass on state-supported land is specifically forbidden by Chapter 38, Section 21-5 of the Illinois Criminal Code and by Naperville City Code, Chapter 10, Section 2-4-1. Naperville Central will be guided by the state and city ordinance regarding trespass. Those people found trespassing will be reported to the Naperville Police department and evicted from the building.
After School Day Expectation
After 3:45pm each day, students are required to exit the building unless under the direct supervision of a staff member.
NCHS Dress Code
The student dress code in Naperville 203 is derived from Board Policy 7:160 - Student Appearance: Students’ appearance, including dress and personal hygiene, must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health and safety.
Intended Purpose: To promote a positive learning environment in schools consistent with the values of Naperville 203 and to ensure a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all students, staff and the community, regardless of their race, age, ability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, socio-economic circumstances, or body type/size.
Guidelines for the instructional day: An individual’s dress, personal appearance, cleanliness, as well as behavior, demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for the learning community.
- Students must wear tops, bottoms, and shoes.
- Clothes must be worn in a way that genitals, buttocks, and nipples are fully covered with opaque (non-transparent) material.
- All undergarments must be covered by outer attire (visible straps are allowed).
- Caps, hats, or head coverings may be worn in the building during the school day provided they do not compromise the ability to identify a student, compromise academic integrity, or cause a disruption to the learning environment.
- Attire or accessories that directly, by innuendo, or look-alike promote alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, profanity, violence, gangs, and weapons may not be worn at school.
- Students cannot wear anything that includes hate speech, images, or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment for others, including any protected class or marginalized group. Hate speech includes any form of expression through which speakers vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color, sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, immigrant status, or national origin (adapted from the American Library Association).
*These guidelines may be adapted by building/district administrators for special events or other school sponsored activities. The district allows a student to modify his or her athletic or team uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire that is in accordance with the requirements of his or her religion or his or her cultural values or modesty preferences. A student is not required to receive the prior approval of the school board for such modification. Student athletic and activity apparel will be defined by safety and competitive performance standards. All dress code adaptations must follow Board Policy 7:160 - Student Appearance.
Latex-Free Environment
Naperville Central is a latex-free environment. No latex gloves, balloons, masks, etc. are permitted on campus or in the school due to staff and students with respiratory latex allergies. Mylar balloons are a good substitute. Every effort is made to eliminate latex products from the school environment.
Bus Service
Parking space is limited at Naperville Central. Students are encouraged to use bus transportation. All students living outside a mile and one-half limit are entitled to use the bus service to and from school. Upon payment of school fees, students eligible for bus transportation will receive a bus-stamped I.D. card and bus schedule. Students must display a bus-stamped I.D. card in order to use bus transportation. All buses are under school authority. The driver will report any improper action to the school. Inappropriate behavior on the bus may result in disciplinary action, including suspension of bus privilege. Buses are equipped with video surveillance equipment that is used to help identify students who are acting inappropriately. Information on buses and bus routes will be available at the time of student registration. Occasionally, assigned buses will need to be changed. Announcements will be made to alert students. The regularly scheduled bus number will be posted in the side window of the new bus. In the event of inclement weather students should listen for special announcements via the school public address system.Parents Transporting Students
Please use the front circle, off Aurora Avenue, or Hillside to pick up or drop off students. Porter Street is open only to buses between 6:50 and 7:20 a.m. and between 2:45 and 3:30 p.m. All posted traffic and parking regulations will be enforced.
Fines and Obligations
All students must clear any and all fines and/or obligations from any class, the Library and/or the main office before the end of a school term. Obligations include, but are not restricted to, returning a lost book, paying for a lost book, paying for a damaged book, or a course fee. Any student who has not cleared all fines and obligations by the beginning of the next school year will not be allowed to register for school. Yearbook distribution may be delayed if fines are unpaid by the distribution date. Diplomas will not be issued to seniors with an outstanding fine or obligation. There is a six-month limit on all refunds.
Locker Service and Security of Personal Items
Students will be able to use an individual hall locker with a built-in lock at the high school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Mechanical problems will be addressed by your Dean in STUDENT SERVICES. Personal problems or thefts should be directed to the student’s Dean or the School Resource Officer. The school maintains ownership of each locker and has the authority to search any locker if there is reason to believe that items of an illegal or dangerous nature or property not belonging to that student are contained therein.
ID Cards
Students will be given I.D. cards after fees have been paid at Registration. They must carry this card for the purpose of identification and may be used for NCHS entrance procedures. Electronic IDs can be accessed using the Infinite Campus app. IDs must be presented to any staff member upon request. Failure to do so is considered a disciplinary violation.Replacement ID cards can be requested anytime in the Student Services Office.Replacement cost is $2.00. It is the student’s responsibility to replace the ID in a timely manner and to notify their Dean in the event an ID is lost or stolen.
Senior students have an opportunity to schedule for a "late arrival" or “early dismissal” period. Students choosing this option do not need to be at school during this scheduled
‘off’ period. The following expectations are in place for these students.- Students taking this option should not be bus riders, as the expectation is for students not to be in the building during this period.
- Students should enter/leave the building through doors 1 or 8.
- Students are expected to follow all school-day rules (ex: hats, cell phones, etc.) at any time they are in the school building.
- Specific to late arrival students: Students arriving during first period, should wait quietly with the campus supervisor at the entry door until the passing period begins. On the second Wednesday of every month there is a school-wide late arrival day. On these days, there is a special period right before second period that all students are expected to attend. This special period begins at 9:45 am.
- Specific to early dismissal students: If in the building after seventh period, students must be under the direct supervision of a staff member.
Note: If late arrival or early dismissal students do not follow the expectations, a study hall will be put into their schedule during this time frame.
Naperville Central is a closed campus. However, the School Board has approved seniors to be off campus during their lunch period. Seniors will be required to turn in a parent permission form to their dean. Seniors must use their school ID for check-in, check-out procedures. Failure to do so may result in loss of off-campus lunch privilege. This is a senior only privilege. All other students are to remain on campus during their lunch period. Any student who leaves the building unauthorized will receive disciplinary consequences.Students may bring lunch from home or purchase it from the food service concession. Students may purchase lunch using the Lunch/ID Debit Card System or cash. Student reduced/free lunches are available for those who qualify. Forms are available in the Assistant Principal’s Office. Students are prohibited from having food delivered to the school for their lunch. Food and beverages from outside (i.e. fast-food type) vendors are not allowed to be brought into or consumed within the building during the school day (except by special arrangement through the Deans’ Office).Students who misbehave during their lunch period may be assigned to a restricted lunch arrangement.
State and Federal regulations prohibit smoking/vaping on school district property. Smoking, vaping, possession, or use of conventional or electronic tobacco products is prohibited on school grounds, within visible sight of the school property, or on property adjacent to the school boundaries. Violations are subject to school disciplinary action and police enforcement.
Community Resource Center
The Community Resource Center provides a safe space for students to regulate emotions, learn positive behaviors, and develop classroom and interpersonal skills. It was created to support a shift in how social emotional support is understood and framed. It is a space for students to develop the skills they need to be productive members of our school and global communities.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays of the school week, students will be assigned to homeroom or SOAR (Success of all Redhawks). These are 45-minute periods and appear on a student’s schedule. Homeroom is designed to connect students to teachers, to each other, and to the school through information-sharing and activities.
SOAR periods are designed to allow students opportunity for academic intervention. These sessions often involve direct instruction or the re-explanation of concepts in specific content areas. These periods also provide students with time to get questions answered, take a test that was missed because of an absence, complete missing assignments, or review for an upcoming assessment.
Here are the guidelines that govern the program:
- Attendance to Homeroom and SOAR sessions are mandatory
- Students are required to make SOAR selections through Infinite Campus (directions will be provided)
- Students have some freedom in selecting a SOAR session; however, a teacher’s request overrules student preference
- Students will remain in the designated Homeroom/SOAR session for the duration of the period
Parking space availability at Naperville Central High School is very limited. There is no open parking area on campus. Please note that the limited available on-street parking usually fills by 7:00 a.m. Therefore, students who leave for school after this time will find that valid and legal parking spaces are unavailable.
Please use the bus transportation whenever possible and drive only when absolutely necessary. Naperville Park District sells parking spaces in lots that are near Naperville Central High School.
1. Seniors, with valid permits, may park only in designated student parking areas. If a student’s automobile is parked in an unauthorized, posted area, that automobile may be towed without any warning. The student assumes all financial obligations for the towed automobile.
2. Students who park on yellow-striped areas in student parking lots or block driveways to lots, park in a visitors spot, or park in a staff’s spot may be towed without any warning. The student assumes all financial obligations for the towed automobile. Vehicles will be towed by:Green Machine Towing
10049 Clow Creek Rd. Schoger Drive,
Plainfield, IL 60585
(630) 305-05333. Vehicles may not be moved from school areas during school hours unless administrative permission is granted, as in during senior off-campus lunch. A student may not return to a vehicle during the school day. The school will assume that a student coming in from a car, except from lunch, has been off- campus.4. All students parking on the street will be subject to the city of Naperville ordinances.5. The speed limit in school traffic areas is ten miles per hour.6. Improper operation of student vehicle on school property will result in the loss of parking privileges.7. The school has the authority to search any car parked on campus if there is reason to believe that items of an illegal or dangerous nature or property not belonging to that student are contained therein.Senior Parking
All senior-parking spaces in the Greenhouse lot and Porter St. and lots will be numbered.- Seniors will receive a sign-up email in the spring of their Junior year. Seniors will be guaranteed an on-campus spot for one semester of their choosing. All unassigned spots will go into a lottery.
- Each hanging tag permit will display the parking space number.
- Cost will be $50 per semester.
- The car parked in the numbered space must display the hanging tag permit.
- The purchasing senior may use the hang tag permit for a car pool vehicle.
- All vehicles that might use the numbered space must be registered with the Dean in charge of the database.
FAQs: What to do if…
- you lose your ID?
Go to Student Services office to request a new one-$2.00 - you need to schedule an appointment with your counselor?
You are welcome to email your counselor or set up an appointment, or you can go to the Team secretary in the Student Services Office, and ask them to book an appointment for you. Your counselor may not be able to see you “at that moment” so plan ahead. Schedule appointments during study hall or lunch if possible.
- you really need to talk to someone?
Go to the Student Services Office and tell any of the secretaries right up front. You can also go to the school nurse.
- your locker is jammed or you forgot your locker combination?
Go to Student Services and ask any of the secretaries for assistance.
- you lost something?
The main “lost and found” is in Student Services. There is also a “lost and found” in the PE office area and in the Learning Commons.
- you have an “out of the building” appointment?
Have your parent or guardian call Attendance or bring a written note from parent to the Attendance window. The note can be brought to the Attendance window between 7:15 – 7:45 a.m. or during any passing period. At that time, you will receive a pass to leave. Sign out when you leave at the Attendance window. If you return to the school, you must sign back in at the Attendance window when you come back.
7. you’re not sure which door to use when entering the building?
You may enter through Doors 1, 8 or 15. You can check-in/scan-in with a staff member at all three locations.
8. You need a work permit or parking pass?
Go to the Student Services Office for help with both of these
9. you need to print a paper out before school?
Print kiosks are in the building for student use--see Technology section for specific locations.
10. you want to email a staff member?
Email addresses are the first letter of the person’s first name and their last name, with the ending of
For example, Sam Szopinski, Dean of Student Activities, is sszopinski@naperville203.org11. you need technology/Chromebook help?
You can go to the IT-Tech Office, located in Room 107.
12. your parent needs to drop something off at school for you?
They can drop the item(s) off at the Front Entrance/Welcome Center and you can retrieve it during passing period. This
should be limited to necessary, school-related items.13. something is stolen?
Report the theft to the School Resource Office (SRO) or to your Dean, both in the Student Services Office.
14. you feel sick/ill?
Go to the Health/Nurse’s office
15. you need to make up a test in the Testing Center?
The Testing Center is located inside the Library/Learning Commons.
16. you need to talk to the head of a department?
Go to the department office (e.g., Math) and speak with the department secretary to make an appointment with the
Department Chair, there is a full listing of their names in the Academic section of this Redbook.17. you want to stay after school to get help from a teacher but don’t have transportation?
There is a late bus that leaves from the bus circle at 4:40pm each school day. You must have a ticket/pass in
order to ride. You get the ticket/pass from the staff member who you are working with when staying late.Security tips:
- Do not give your locker combinations to
- On your combination locks, secure the clasp and spin the dial after you shut the locker
- Store only coats, books, etc. in your locker. Do not store
- Do not bring more than $5 – $10 to school on any given
- Do not share gym lockers. Don’t leave valuables on the benches in the locker room.
- Always remember to lock your gym
- you lose your ID?