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Communication Arts Department

  • The Communication Arts Department offers a wide variety of courses that focus on developing students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing skills. In addition, students learn how to acquire, assess, and utilize information from a variety of sources. The goal is to create critical thinkers who use their literacy skills to make meaning of the varied texts that they encounter. Department curriculum “recognizes the recursiveness of literacy skills […] and fosters increased independence of the learner” (District 203 Literacy Philosophy).

    Students must earn four Communication Arts credits in order to meet graduation requirements. To obtain these credits, students complete a series of core classes that provide a solid foundation in reading and analyzing fiction and nonfiction texts, writing and speaking in various modes (narrative, expository, and persuasive), and assessing information for merit. Students have many weighted and non-weighted course offerings to choose from; furthermore, intensive reading courses and seminars exist to help students reach success. Within the curriculum, students also have the opportunity to take courses that foster an interest in the performing arts, film, and journalism. In addition, two Advanced Placement (AP) courses (AP Language and Composition and AP Literature and Composition) provide students with an opportunity to take exams that may lead them to earn college credit.

    The Communication Arts Department utilizes a college preparatory curriculum that serves students well as they move forward in their academic careers and lives. From American literature to world literature, students will experience many of the great authors and literary works that have influenced human thought and society.

Contact Information

Comm Arts Department Photo

  • Comm Arts Dept. photo 
    First Row:   Kelyn Tuggle, Sarah Kandl, Luke Roth, Nicole Figi, Emily Rigik, Meghan Winebrenner, Tim LaBud, Adam Freed
    Second Row: Mary Wilkerson, Michelle Konrad, Jen Simon, Jen Blaskovitz, Maxyne Granatelli, Marybeth Reilly, Taryen Polykandriotis, Nicki Weiss, Sarah Albiniak, Susan Johnson, Mike Doman
    Not Pictured: Barry Baldwin, Keith Carlson, Tom McGrath

Comm Arts Staff Directory

Teacher's First Name Last Name Phone 1 (630)- Email
Sarah Albiniak 369-2178 salbiniak@naperville203.org
Barry Baldwin 579-7657 bbaldwin@naperville203.org
Jennifer Blaskovitz 778-3108 jblaskovitz@naperville203.org
Keith Carlson 369-6894 kcarlson@naperville203.org
Mike Doman 420-6460 mdoman@naperville203.org
Nicole Figi 369-6108 nfigi@naperville203.org
Adam Freed 369-4431 afreed@naperville203.org
Marissa Freese 420-6302 mfreese@naperville203.org
Maxyne Granatelli 369-4463 mgranatelli@naperville203.org
Taylor Heatherly 778-3151 theatherly@naperville203.org
Methal Hindi mhindi@naperville203.rg
Susie Johnson 369-5978 sajohnson@naperville203.org
Sarah Kandl 369-2180 skandl@naperville203.org
Michelle Konrad 369-4463 mkonrad@naperville203.org
Tom McGrath 369-6115 tmcgrath@naperville203.org
Taryen Polykandriotis 369-5965 tpolykandriotis@naperville203.org
Marybeth Reilly 369-5994 mreilly@naperville203.org
Emily Rigik 369-5971 erigik@naperville203.org
Luke Roth 303-3957 lwroth@naperville203.org
Jen Simon 548-4664 jsimon@naperville203.org
Kelyn Tuggle 369-5934 ktuggle@naperville203.org
Nicole Weiss 369-5961 nweiss@naperville203.org
Mary Wilkerson 579-7153 mwilkerson@naperville203.org
Meghan Winebrenner 579-7173 mwinebrenner@naperville203.org