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Bus Conduct Expectations
School bus riders shall conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. The safety and security of our students is of utmost importance to District 203; therefore, video cameras (with audio) are utilized to ensure the safety of this environment. District 203 is not responsible for the supervision of students before entering or after leaving the school bus. Students are expected to refrain from conduct that would endanger other students or property or would be otherwise disruptive. The following rules and regulations govern bus conduct:
- Bus riders are expected to be respectful, responsible, and peaceful at all times.
- The bus driver is responsible for safety of his/her passengers.
- The student shall be at the designated loading point nearest his/her home 5 minutes before the school bus arrives. Students will be notified of the approximate pick-up time.
- Eating and drinking are prohibited on the bus.
- Respectful communications among and between riders shall be observed at all times.
- Riders shall remain silent when the bus is approaching and crossing railroad tracks. District 203 does not cross railroad tracks within 203 boundaries.
- Students must wait for the bus on the shoulder of the road or in the space designated as the pickup area.
- At student who must cross the roadway to board or depart from the bus shall pass in front of the bus (no closer than 10 feet), look in both directions, and proceed to cross the highway only upon signal from the driver.
- All students shall be received and discharged through the right front entrance door of the school bus. The EMERGENCY door will be used for EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY.
- A student will depart from the bus at the designated point nearest his/her home.
- The bus driver can assign each student to a seat.
- Riders shall remain in a normal, seated position while the bus is in motion. Books and other belongings shall be kept out of the aisles.
- Students must properly identify themselves when asked to do so.
- Permission to open windows must be obtained from the driver. All articles and objects shall remain within the bus until the student departs.
- Waste containers are provided on all buses and are to be used.
- Quiet talk and subdued laughter at all times will help prevent the diversion of the driver’s attention, thereby averting the possibility of a serious accident.
- A student who damages seats or other equipment on the school bus will be expected to pay the cost for the repairs or replacement.
- Gang-related actions that take place while students are riding the bus will be reported to the building administration and will be dealt with appropriately.
- Any personal items left on the bus are not the responsibility of the district.
Students must travel to and from school on the bus to which they are assigned.
Written bus referrals
Bus referrals can be written by the bus driver when any of the above rules or regulations is broken. This referral is sent to the student school administration for disciplinary action. Disciplinary action could result in assigned seating, suspension from bus or permanent removal from bus riding privileges