• Why are you unable to give bus stop information out over the phone?

    Posted by:


    To protect the privacy of every student we transport, the Transportation Department is unable to give out bus information over the phone. If you are unable to log into the Parent Portal, please email parentsupport@naperville203.org.

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  • The bus drives right past my house. Why can't it stop at my house?

    Posted by:

    The higher frequency of stops makes the motoring public impatient. This results in people driving around the bus, a dangerous situation.  It also delays the bus by increasing the number of stops and makes the student ride time longer.  Stops are placed to be convenient for groups of students in the subdivision.
    Comments (-1)
  • I can't see the bus stop from my house.

    Posted by:

    District 203 provides transportation for over 14,000 students. We are not able to position bus stops so that all parents are able to see the stop from their home.
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  • We live on a cul-de-sac. Will the bus come down our street?

    Posted by:

    Except for special education circumstances, buses are generally not routed into a cul-de-sac. Cul-de-sac stops are considered unwise for the following reasons:

    * Cul-de-sac stops create blind spots, often causing students to enter or exit in a danger zone around the bus (at a corner stop or street curb stop, the enter/ exit outside the danger zone).
    * Different styles and sizes of buses make maneuvering in cul-de-sac difficult.
    * The rear of the bus has potential to swing around close to the sidewalk.
    * Parked cars and other obstacles create road hazards that my not be seen until entering the cul-de-sac and creating a point of no return.
    * Backing up a bus when students are on board is strictly forbidden.
    * Property damage to mailboxes and landscaping.
    Comments (-1)
  • Why do some children have to cross the street to board the bus?

    Posted by:

    We are not able to route buses so that all children can board the bus on the door side. We recommend that children wait on the side of the street where they reside. The bus will stop traffic in all directions to accommodate students that need to cross the street.
    Comments (-1)
  • I leave for work early and can't watch my child get on the bus. Can't the stop be at my home?

    Posted by:

    In order to be consistent and fair in placement of bus stops, District 203 is not able to establish stops based on personal circumstances.
    Comments (-1)
  • Why is my child's bus late?

    Posted by:

    Weather, traffic, driver absenteeism, maintenance difficulties and unforeseen incidents are responsible for delays in arrival of school buses. Please know that we do everything humanly possible to have all buses running on schedule each and every day. In the event your bus does not arrive as scheduled, contact the Transportation department at 630-420-6464. Please allow 10-20 minutes past the normal bus stop arrival time before calling.
    Comments (-1)
  • Why can't you call when you know the bus will be late?

    Posted by:

    There are as many as 50-60 students on each bus.  It would be impossible to contact everyone in such a short time frame and many parents are not home or waiting at the stop for their child.
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  • Why can't you come further into my subdivision or cul-de-sac?

    Posted by:

    Buses come in various lengths, widths, heights and weights. The length is what limits the school bus to be maneuvered in cul-de-sacs and tight places. Most subdivisions are not designed with school bus transportation in mind.
    Comments (-1)
  • My child is starting Kindergarten. Will the bus pick my child up in front of the house?

    Posted by:

    There are no special laws or requirements for transporting students enrolled in kindergarten. Kindergarten students are eligible for transportation services if they live more than 1.5 miles from the school. Morning kindergarten students ride the elementary school bus in to school and a special mid-day bus home. Afternoon kindergarten students ride a mid-day bus to school and take the elementary bus home. Mid-day buses may drop kindergarten students off at their driveway or at a location convenient for several families. Kindergarten parents should make arrangements for someone to be at the bus stop for their child.
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  • Why are there only a few students on some buses and my child's bus is crowded?

    Posted by:

    Decisions regarding each bus route are made by careful planning based on information from school registration previous similar routes and Department of Transportation data. Most routes are fixed in late summer and changes made after the first three weeks of school or sooner. Distance from school, number of buses and drivers, and grouping of students and neighborhoods are all factors that are considered. Sometimes it is just not possible to have the exact number of students on every run.

    Recommended Bus Capacity:
    Grades K-5 - 71
    Grades 6-8 - 54
    Grades 9-12 - 48

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  • Why is there an address stop on the route if buses don't make home stops?

    Posted by:

    Address stops may occur for a special education student on a regular route, mid-point on a long street, on a four lane road, or on a mid-day kindergarten route.
    Comments (-1)
  • How far can a bus stop be from a student's home?

    Posted by:

    Bus stops may be up to ½ mile from the student’s residence.
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  • My child is the only student at the scheduled bus stop. Can't he be picked up closer to home?

    Posted by:

    Bus stops are centrally located for all students along a route. Bus stops are not changed to accommodate one or more students because that may displace other students further from their home. 
    Comments (-1)
  • How early should my child be at the bus stop?

    Posted by:

    Students should arrive 5 minutes before the time the bus is due to be at your stop in the morning. In order to maintain a dependable time schedule, bus drivers have been directed not to wait for tardy students.

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