Summer Music Program

  • Registration for experienced music summer classes (current 4th graders and above) beginning on June 4 will open on Wednesday, March 5.

    Registration for beginning summer music classes (current 3rd graders) beginning on June 4 will open on Wednesday, April 30.

    Director:  Chris Werve

    Location: LJHS, NCHS

    Dates (depends on the program): June 4-27

    Tuition (depends on the program): $115; $165; $215
    Beginning Lesson Instruction, Band/Orchestra

    Open to all students who have minimally completed 3rd grade

    • Experienced Group Instruction, Band/Orchestra
    • Elementary (Cadet) Band- Students entering 5th grade
    • Intermediate- Experienced students entering 6th grade
    • Advanced Band- Experienced students entering 7th, 8th, or 9th grade
    • Elementary (Cadet) Orchestra- Students entering 5th grade
    • Intermediate Orchestra- Experienced students entering 6th grade
    • Advanced Orchestra- Experienced students entering 7th, 8th, or 9th grade