Board of Education Policies

  • In August, 2005, Naperville Community Unit District 203 launched an internet-based policy manual that replaces the paper notebooks in school offices and local public libraries, which have required manual updating. Although these notebooks are not being destroyed, please note that printed policy manual pages are no longer being updated and may, in some cases, have been replaced or updated.

    Click here to access District 203 Board of Education policies.

    This online policy manual is up-to-date and has a search capability. As new policies or policy changes are made by the Board of Education, they will be added to the online database. Please note, however, the District is in the process of a lengthy review of all current policies. This review will result in the updating of policies to ensure compliance with changed state law or changed District practice. For this reason, please note the last revision for any District policy in which you may have a particular interest. Any questions about District policies can be directed to Susan Patton, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at 630-420-6311.

    To print pages from this IASB site, highlight the text you wish to print and select Print Selection in the Print window.