Operation Snowball

  • NCHS chapter of Naperville Operation Snowball:

    Snowball is a retreat leadership program. These powerful life-changing retreat weekends take place annually in both the Fall and Spring. The program is a combined effort with all 5 Naperville high schools coming together. The program focuses on building connections with peers, developing insight into themselves and gaining a perspective on others. Presentations, workshops, activities and the small group discussions combine to allow teens to talk about  issues they all face, assist with learning more about healthy choices and enhance their self-esteem and self-confidence. The program promotes core SEL values and practices. Financial assistance is available, so all who want to attend are able. Contact Traci Fertel, Social Worker in Student Services, for more Info: tfertel@naperville203.org or (630)420-2660.

    Click this link for more details and for registration: Operation Snowball 

  • Snowball October 28-29