Learning Commons Staff
Front Row: John Hayward, Kelly Murphy, Debra Ericson (Standardized Testing Coordinator), Patty Cosgrove
Back Row: Laura Neuman, Katie Long-Piper (Testing Center Coordinator), Cathy Gottlieb
Visit the Learning Commons
Learning Commons Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.*Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.(*Late bus passes are available)- Before and after school
- During all lunch hours
- With a pass, during study hall or class
- On an independent study day for a Blended Learning class
- Readers' Advisory and Research Assistance is available from the Librarians
- Chromebook chargers are available for in-library use (ID required)
- Infinite Campus sign-in required during Library Hours, when not with a class - (ID required)
- Breakout collaboration rooms - first come, first served, for groups of 2-6; sign in at the desk (ID required)
- Covered drinks are allowed. Please finish your lunch or snack before coming to the LC.
*Peer Tutoring is provided by The Merry Tutors after school on Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30, starting in September. No advanced sign up is necessary.
NCHS Learning Commons Staff
Learning Commons Directors
Cathy Gottlieb630-420-6549Learning Commons Assistants
Patty Cosgrove, 630-420-6425Kelly Murphy, 630-420-6426Laura Neuman, 630-369-2667
Our Space
- Tall tables with charging ports near the Honor Garden window
- Booths and tables for collaborative group work
- Quiet reading zone near the breakout rooms
- Breakout rooms - 3 glass-walled rooms with projector monitors are available on a first come, first served basis. Sign in at the circulation desk.
Services available:
- Print books available for checkout
- Sora (aka OverDrive) eBooks and eAudio books available for checkout 24/7
- Can be read/heard on Chromebooks, tablets, smartphones and dedicated ebook devices
- The Sora app is on all student Chromebooks, in the task bar.
- Access the NCHS Sora/OverDrive collection
- Readers Advisory - whole class or individual
- Research Assistance Program (http://tinyurl.com/NCHS-RAP-with-Librarian)
- Information Literacy instruction - whole class or individual
- Inter-library loan from public and college/university libraries
- Photocopies, color prints for school assignments
- 3D Printing - prints must be approved by an LRC Director
- Quiet study space in the College and Career Center, when not in use by classes
- Green Screen Recording room - see Library staff member to reserve a time
- Chromebook charger - for in-library use only
- 24/7 Access to databases (passwords are in the print Redbook and in the Learning Commons)
Circulation Policies:
- Books, Kindles (for checkout of OverDrive ebooks)
- 3 week checkout
- Magazines
- 1 week checkout
- Audio books (CD Rom and OverDrive audio)
- 3 week checkout for CD Rom, or teacher discretion
- 3 week checkout for Sora audio
- Cameras, Digital MP3 Audio recorders/players
- 3 day checkout or teacher discretion
- Art Department Cameras and tripods
- 5 day checkout
- Cameras may be renewed if there are no reserves
Note: Overdue fines are no longer charged. Lost or damaged books will be charged to the student's school account.
Learning Commons Policies:
- Respect Others
- Keep conversation to a quiet level so others may work without disruptions.
- When using the monitors in the Breakout rooms, video/screen projections must be school related and appropriate.
- Respect the Space
- Sign in at the desk with your ID Card during school hours, unless attending with a class.
- Snacks and covered drinks are permissible. Please finish lunch from the cafeteria or take-out restaurants before coming to the LC. Dispose of all trash and clean up spills.