Physical Education & Health

  • The Jefferson Physical Education department, as well as Naperville Community Unit School District 203, has made a commitment to prepare students to live healthy, productive and physically active lives.  Our school/district goals include the following:
    • Physical education will provide every student with a variety of challenges that will contribute to the development and maintenance of their physical, cognitive, and affective well-being.
    • Students will be provided with the foundation for making informed decisions that will empower them to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    • Physical Education is a lifelong process, which is the primary responsibility of the student, shared by home, district and community.


    For information about the Health curriculum and for some example activities in physical education, use the links in the left sidebar.

  • "Commit to be F I T (T E) !"

Our Teachers

PE Uniforms

    Use the Categories filter for PE uniforms to separate those items from spirit wear.  During the school year, PE uniforms are available online at Deb's Embroidery.  Deadline for delivery during August registration is June 30, 2020.
    Deb's Embroidery
  • Physical Education
  • F un
    I ntensity
    T ime
    T ype
    E njoyment