
  • February 7, 2025

    Battle of the Bells

    After the first week of our Battle of the Bells tardy competition, the 6th grade is on par for victory, leading with the lowest number of tardies! Meanwhile, 7th and 8th grade are still working on their way out of the bunker.


    There’s plenty of time left to show up on time and claim sweet victory. Keep pushing, Patriots — every second counts! Let’s see which grade will rise and shine to win next week’s round. Keep up the great work and stay on time! Remember, donuts for the entire grade are on the line and the first ever Battle of the Bells trophy as well!



    The Bunker is back today! Bring your Patriot Pay to lunch to shop for candy, trinkets, and treasures like speed cubes and playground balls. You can also enter the gift card raffle at the Bunker or in the LC. Don't forget the Bunker today at lunch and again in two weeks!


    RC Voting

    Here's your Rebecca Caudill update: 6th grade was not going to be outdone! 6th and 7th grade are now tied for the most votes and the Bulls team has the most votes. Ms. Palubicki's students still have the most votes in so far. The book with the most votes right now is Inheritance Games but Muhammad Najem War Reporter is gaining traction. Keep voting until February 21st!


    LC Book Matches

    Let the LC find your perfect match with a book you will LOVE! Go to and submit your form by February 12th. Your match will be emailed to you on Valentine's Day!


    February LC

    You're going to LOVE all the LC has in February! Sign up to make a pop-up Valentine's Card or book trailer video during STEAM Recess. See the LC calendar on Atriuum for recess dates and for more activities!


    Positivity Club-Kindness Week

    Next week Positivity Club is hosting a Kindness Week at Jefferson! Let's spread kindness, be inclusive, and continue to build a positive school culture. Listen to the announcements before school for activities, raffles, and spirit days throughout this week. Monday will begin with Hat's Off to Kindness. Wear any hat and be sure to stop by Jefferson Square before school for friendship wristband making!


    Chess Tournament

    Calling all chess players!  On Saturday, February 22nd, the 2nd Annual All Naperville Charity Chess Tournament is taking place!  Don't miss this chance to play chess for a good cause and represent our school!  Players of all ability levels are welcome.  100% of proceeds will be donated back to District 203 and 204 schools.  For complete information, go to:

    More Than Green Meeting

    Join More Than Green on Monday, February 10th before school as we prepare for next week's carnation sale. We'll meet in the LC at 7:15 AM. Come in whenever you arrive to school if you're a bus rider. We'll be busy getting ready for this fun event. See you there!


  • January 30, 2025

    Wrestling Intramurals

    Wrestling intramurals after school today and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4:15.  Bring a friend.



    Our Patriot Pay gift cards have been restocked so we are drawing from the Bunker bins AND the LC bins this week. Our first two winners are Rishika Das and Lily Blakesley. Please come to 

    the office during passing period to claim your gift cards! Stay tuned to announcements for more winners!


    8th grade Washington, DC trip

    Hey 8th Graders!


    This announcement is for you. If you still haven’t registered for the 8th grade Washington, D.C., trip, now is the time!


    We are down to the final days and final open spots to get on the greatest 8th grade trip ever! Travel on coach buses to the most historic sites in our country’s history…and you’ll be traveling with your classmates and a handful of super cool JJHS teachers.


    Don’t miss out! Contact Mr. Rester. Check Jefferson Square in the pamphlet racks for the links to register online.


    Washington, DC, the weekend after school gets out sounds pretty great!


    Boys Volleyball Intramural

    7th & 8th Grade Boys listen up! You asked and it is finally happening! Boys Volleyball Intramurals will begin Monday, February 3rd, 6:45- 7:45 a.m. See Ms. Daker or Mr. Lenz for more details!


    Sci-Tech Club

    Get Ready to Roll! Join the Sci-Tech Club today from 3:00–4:30 PM for an epic roller-coaster showdown! Bring your creativity and engineering skills to the test as you compete to build the tallest, widest, and fastest roller-coaster.  Will your design be the ultimate champion? Challenge your friends and find out!


    Bonus Fun:

    Stay after for 3-D Print Club to perfect your design or bring your ideas to life. Need help? Just ask Mrs. Waters or Mrs. Rendek—we’re here to help!  Don’t miss the fun—see you there!


    Caudill Voting

    It's almost time to vote for your favorite Rebecca Caudill book! Read 3 or more to vote in February!

    Greece, Summer Break 2026

    Attention 8th grade students! Join the high schools for an unforgettable Naper Life Abroad trip to Greece next summer! History, mythology, and natural beauty collide on this breathtaking Athens, Santorini, and Crete tour. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to broaden your horizons and make unforgettable memories. Our parent info session will be on Wednesday, January 29th at 6pm in the NNHS Learning Commons! Visit, or scan the QR code on the posters around the school to RSVP and to learn more!


  • February 5, 2025

    Math Team

    Math Team is canceled today February 5th.  The MathCounts Competitors will meet again next Wednesday, February 12th, as normal. 


    Black History Month Announcement

    Good morning, Patriots! Would you like to read an announcement about an influential African American during Black History Month? If you answered yes, stop by and see Mrs. Miles. All students and staff are welcome to participate. Don't delay, spots will fill up quickly.


    Patriots Plus Protocol

    Our next Patriots Plus Protocol is Face My Fears! Sometimes taking that first step can be scary, but you will be surprised what you can do when you set your mind to it. If you need support, remember you can always reach out to a staff member. For some extra inspiration, pay close attention during announcements throughout Black History Month to hear how influential people faced their own fears and changed the world.


    LC Book Matches

    Let the LC find your perfect match with a book you will LOVE! Go to and submit your form by February 12th. Your match will be emailed to you on Valentine's Day!


    February LC

    You're going to LOVE all the LC has in February! Sign up to make a pop-up Valentine's Card or book trailer video during STEAM Recess. See the LC calendar on Atriuum for recess dates and for more activities!


    Positivity Club

    Positivity is meeting again this week at 7:15 am in room 102. We hope to see you all there as we put up posters for Kindness Week! See Ms. Bora and Mrs. Lepine for more details.


    Positivity Club-Kindness Week

    Next week Positivity Club is hosting a Kindness Week at Jefferson! Let's spread kindness, be inclusive, and continue to build a positive school culture. Listen to the announcements before school for activities, raffles, and spirit days throughout this week. Monday will begin with Hat's Off to Kindness. Wear any hat and be sure to stop by Jefferson Square before school for friendship wristband making!


    Raising money for fires in California

    Please consider donating money this Friday, February 7th to help raise money for the devastating wildfires in California. We will be collecting the money before school starts in Jefferson Square.




    February 4, 2025


    Black History Month Announcement

    Good morning, Patriots! Would you like to read an announcement about an influential African American during Black History Month? If you answered yes, stop by and see Mrs. Miles. All Students and Staff are welcome to participate. Don't delay, spots will fill up quickly.


    Patriots Plus Protocol

    Our next Patriots Plus Protocol is Face My Fears! Sometimes taking that first step can be scary, but you will be surprised what you can do when you set your mind to it. If you need support, remember you can always reach out to a staff member. For some extra inspiration, pay close attention during announcements throughout Black History Month to hear how influential people faced their own fears and changed the world.


    LC Book Matches

    Let the LC find your perfect match with a book you will LOVE! Go to and submit your form by February 12th. Your match will be emailed to you on Valentine's Day!


    February LC

    You're going to LOVE all the LC has in February! Sign up to make a pop-up Valentine's Card or book trailer video during STEAM Recess. See the LC calendar on Atriuum for recess dates and for more activities!


    Battle of the Bells

    FORE! Listen up, Patriots!

    February is here, and it’s time to tee off with our first Tardy Competition! This month, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be facing off to keep tardy count as low as possible — because in this game, the lowest score wins!


    Here’s what’s at stake:

    -Donuts for the entire winning grade

    -The coveted Tardy Trophy

    So stay on par, get to class on time.

    The leaderboard updates each day — may the best grade ace the competition!


    Manage your time……..…Be prepared…….…….Be on time


    Positivity Club

    Positivity is meeting again this week at 7:15 am in room 102. We hope to see you all there as we put up posters for Kindness Week! See Ms. Bora and Mrs. Lepine for more details.

    Positivity Club-Kindness Week

    Next week Positivity Club is hosting a Kindness Week at Jefferson! Let's spread kindness, be inclusive, and continue to build a positive school culture. Listen to the announcements before school for activities, raffles, and spirit days throughout this week. Monday will begin with Hat's Off to Kindness. Wear any hat and be sure to stop by Jefferson Square before school for friendship wristband making!


    8th Grade Gala

    **Attention 8th Graders!** 🎉 It’s time to vote for the **8th Grade Gala** theme! Cast your vote and help decide the vibe for our big night on **March 21st**. Voting is open until **Friday**, but no need to wait! Take a moment during supervised study to vote at


    Boys Vball Intramurals

    7th & 8th grade boys listen up! There will be another open gym, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5th. See you at 6:45 AM.


    Raising money for fires in California

    Please consider donating money this Friday, February 7th to help raise money for the devastating wildfires in California. We will be collecting the money before school starts in Jefferson Square.



  • February 3, 2025

    Future Problem Solvers

    You only have a few days left to sign up for Future Problem Solvers! This is a great opportunity to showcase your talent in Social Studies and your creative side. There is a poster outside of Room 225 with information, or you can talk with Mrs. Nekolny. Check out the Google Form at for more!

    Wrestling Intramurals

    Wrestling intramurals after school Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4:15.  Bring a friend.


    Black History Month Announcement

    Good morning, Patriots! Would you like to read an announcement about an influential African American during Black History Month? If you answered yes, stop by and see Mrs. Miles. All Students and Staff are welcome to participate. Don't delay, spots will fill up quickly.



    Did you read 3 or more Rebecca Caudill books? Voting is now open until February 21st! Go to


    LC Book Matches

    Let the LC find your perfect match with a book you will LOVE! Go to and submit your form by February 12th. Your match will be emailed to you on Valentine's Day!


    February LC

    You're going to LOVE all the LC has in February! Sign up to make a pop-up Valentine's Card or book trailer video during STEAM Recess. See the LC calendar on Atriuum for recess dates and for more activities!


    Battle of the Bells

    FORE! Listen up, Patriots!

    February is here, and it’s time to tee off with our first Tardy Competition! This month, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be facing off to keep tardy count as low as possible — because in this game, the lowest score wins!


    Here’s what’s at stake:

    -Donuts for the entire winning grade

    -The coveted Tardy Trophy

    So stay on par, get to class on time.

    The leaderboard updates each day — may the best grade ace the competition!


    Manage your time……..…Be prepared…….…….Be on time

    Positivity Club

    Positivity is meeting again this week at 7:15 am in room 102. We hope to see you all there as we put up posters for Kindness Week! See Ms. Bora and Mrs. Lepine for more details.


    Positivity Club-Kindness Week

    Next week Positivity Club is hosting a Kindness Week at Jefferson! Let's spread kindness, be inclusive, and continue to build a positive school culture. Listen to the announcements before school for activities, raffles, and spirit days throughout this week. Monday will begin with Hat's Off to Kindness. Wear any hat and be sure to stop by Jefferson Square before school for friendship wristband making!


    Bunker Raffles

    Our next Patriot Pay raffle winners are Amelia Brown and Adelaide Kaufman. Please come to the office to claim your gift cards! And remember that the Bunker is back on Friday!


    Patriots Plus Protocol

    Our next Patriots Plus Protocol is Face My Fears! Sometimes taking that first step can be scary, but you will be surprised what you can do when you set your mind to it. If you need support, remember you can always reach out to a staff member. For some extra inspiration, pay close attention during announcements throughout Black History Month to hear how influential people faced their own fears and changed the world.


    8th Grade Gala

    **Attention 8th Graders!** 🎉 It’s time to vote for the **8th Grade Gala** theme! Cast your vote and help decide the vibe for our big night on **March 21st**. Voting is open until **Friday**, but no need to wait! Take a moment during supervised study to vote at