Principal's Message

  • Welcome to Jefferson Junior High School.  We serve approximately 900 students in grades 6-8.  Jefferson is the district magnet site for the Spanish Dual Language and English Language Learner programs.  We are a school community that is proud to call ourselves the Patriots.  We take honor serving our students and community through hard work and dedication to academics, service and overall social-emotional learning.
    Jefferson’s highly qualified staff is committed to welcoming, educating and supporting every student who walks through our doors.  The middle school years are filled with both exciting and challenging times as your child changes and grows.  It is our partnership with you that will help your child manage these ups and downs and grow into a well-educated and well-rounded individual.
    To foster our partnership with home, we encourage parents to use the online tools provided by the district and the school to stay connected to their child’s learning.  Please contact teachers with any questions or concerns that may come up during the school year.  Jefferson also has a highly dedicated and active Home and School organization.  All parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend these meetings and get involved.  
    Jefferson Junior High School is a positive and supportive learning environment.  We are here for your child and will foster their growth academically and social-emotionally.  If there is anything the administrative team can do to better support you or your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us.