Learning Commons
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Welcome to The Commons!
Located on the second floor of the building, the Jefferson Learning Commons provides students and staff with books, electronic resources, and other forms of media. We're excited to be part of D203's Digital Learning Initiative, and always look forward to seeing the creative things students do using the LC resources and Makerspace Lab!
Students and staff access items in our collection via Atriuum OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) and additional information accessed through Mrs. Nelson's Canvas course page. In Atriuum, patrons can login to the system to view books they have checked out or have on reserve, write reviews of their favorite titles, and suggest new items for the LC.
We don't only have print titles in our Learning Commons! Junior high and high school students in D203 also have access to electronic collections in Sora. The JH collection contains over 3,000 eBooks and eAudio titles that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
Patriots also have access to a wide variety of databases to support research in all curricular areas as well as resources like Newsela and NoodleTools, our district's chosen citation generator. Click this link to access these and other digital resources available to Jefferson students or use the navigation on the left. Student passwords to subscription services and databases are linked on Mrs. Nelson's Canvas course page.
Our Commons Team
Mrs. Nelson
Learning Commons Director
Mrs. Kotsovos
Learning Commons Assistant