Learning Commons Policies and Procedures

    ·       Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.   

    ·       Most books may be checked out for 3 weeks; Rebecca Caudill and Mock Newbery titles may be checked out for 2 weeks

    ·       Reference materials may be checked out after school for overnight use. They must be returned by 8:00 am the next morning. Be careful – these are expensive books!

    ·       Students may have 3 items checked out at any time, but only one each of the book awards titles (Rebecca Caudill and Mock Newbery).

    ·       Students can bring a book to the LC to renew it if no one has reserved it

    ·       In addition to print titles, students may check out two eBooks through Sora, formerly OverDrive.  


    ·       Bring books to the circulation desk at the center of The LC. Students are encouraged to have their ID cards to check out materials. Students can also use the self-checkout station or have a staff member do the scanning.

    ·       Be sure to note the DATE DUE for materials. Students are responsible for keeping track of this, which is easy to do by logging into Atriuum and checking your account. Reminders will also be sent to your student email account which is a good reason to check that every day.

    ·       Return books to the slot at the circulation desk by Mrs. Nelson.

    ·       Don’t check out a book and give it to a friend. The book is the responsibility of the person who checked it out, and if something happens (lost or damaged book) the person with it checked out is responsible! If you wish to pass on a great read, please come to the circ desk to make the transfer.



    Log in to Atriuum to check what you have out and when it’s due. Your ID# is your user name, and your last name (all lower case, but otherwise as it is entered in Infinite Campus) is your password. That way, you’ll avoid any of the following hassles!

    ·       Overdue notices will be issued via email to your district account. So get in the habit of checking your student Gmail!

    ·       It is your responsibility to come to The Commons to pay your fine if a book is marked as lost or is damaged.

    ·       If you have an unpaid fine, you will not be allowed to check out any other materials until you settle your account. 

    ·       If you lose a book, you have to pay the replacement cost of that book. You can also purchase the exact ISBN of the book you lost as a replacement.

    ·       Books more than 30 days overdue will automatically be checked into lost.  Students (and parents!) will then receive an email fine notice for the replacement cost of the book.

    ·       If you find a book within 30 days after you have paid for it, your money will be refunded. No refunds outside that time frame since we've likely replaced the book already.


    ·       Book Reserve: Log in to Atriuum to put a book on hold. We’ll notify you via your email when the book you is available!

    ·       Printing documents: Students have access to two black & white printers in The Commons.  


    ·       Please sign in at the circ desk when working in The Commons unless you are visiting with your entire class.  Please check in with library staff and let them know what you’ll be working on.

    ·       You MUST have a pass from a teacher whenever you are visiting the LC without a teacher with you. 


    ·       Use our on-line public access catalog (OPAC), Atriuum, to find information about our Learning Commons materials. Search by author, title, subject, keywords, series, or call number. Be sure to write down the location of the item and the call number so that you can find the book on the shelf.

    ·       We have two Patron Stations for students to access Atriuum (one across from the circ desk and one iPad at the circ desk). Atriuum CAN be accessed from any device with internet access. You'll see the link in the left navigation on this page, and there's also a direct link on the blue Student tab accessible from any page on the Jefferson website.  Be sure to bookmark it on your Chromebook!

    ·       On the Jefferson webpage, use the Student Tab or the Resources/Library channel on the top navigation to access the subscription databases and other great resources like NoodleTools and Newsela.



    All Jefferson students and staff have the right to use the Learning Commons productively, so:

    ·       Make informed and intelligent choices about your behavior, especially in regard to the level of your voice.

    ·       Demonstrate respect for materials, equipment and personnel of the Learning Commons. Remember to push in chairs and return them to their original table.

    ·       In order to keep upholstered furnishings looking their best, students are not allowed to have food or drink in the Commons.  Water bottles are the only exception.

    ·       Enter and exit through the appropriate doors and stay to the right. Don’t block traffic during non-class times.

    ·       Maintain a "one person per seat" ratio, no matter which seating option you're using. That means one person per chair and two people per couch. No sitting on (or lying under) the tables, please.