Jefferson Band

  • Directed by Mr. Chris Werve and Mrs. Renee Howe, the Jefferson Band consists of one weekly technique class and two (for 6th grade) or three (for 7th & 8th grade) full rehearsals per week. Technique classes are small group lessons that focus on technical skills on individual instruments while full rehearsals allow students to apply these skills in preparation for a performance.

    6th Grade Concert Band:  Monday and Wednesday, 6th Period
    7th Grade Symphonic Band:  Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2nd period
    8th Grade Wind Ensemble:   Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8th period

    Please note:
    •  All performance music students have the option of coming to the band room for a homework/lunch period on rehearsal days.
    • Band members do not lose study hall/homework time on the days they have Band.

    Students are also encouraged to participate in our jazz bands. Jazz Band is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade band members. No audition is required.
    Jazz Ensemble is open to all 7th and 8th grade band members by audition.


    For a list of all concerts and performances, visit the department landing page

Our Directors