
  • Directed by Mr. Gallagher, the Jefferson Jr. High Orchestra program consists of one weekly small group lesson and two orchestra rehearsals. Small group lessons focus on developing technical skills on individual instruments, while the orchestra rehearsals provide an opportunity to apply these skills to the preparation of music for performance.

    Jefferson has three orchestras, each of which meet twice a week during the supervised study period. 
    •    6th Grade Orchestra during 6th period
    •    7th Grade Orchestra during 7th period
    •    8th Grade Orchestra during 2nd period
    JJHS Orchestra students will have one group lesson per week.
    • 8th graders on Thursdays
    • 7th graders on Tuesdays
    • 6th graders on Mondays
    The 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Orchestras are string orchestras and present concerts in the fall, winter, and spring of each year for parents and friends. Orchestra is a curricular class, and students receive a letter grade.

    If you are a student who did not participate in orchestra during 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th grades, for any reason, and would like to join orchestra. Please reach out via email. We would love to have you join our orchestra!

    In addition to participating in the school orchestra, all Jefferson string players have the opportunity to participate in the String Fusion ensemble where fiddling, jazz, and improvisational techniques are covered. String Fusion repertoire consists of more mainstream selections ranging from pop song arrangements to film and TV show arrangements.  String Fusion performs at various events in the community, at our feeder schools, and for a local assisted living center.


Our Director

  • Mr. Gallagher