Here you will find a basic syllabus for Communication Arts courses offered at NNHS. These syllabi do not include every detail of the course and section; individual teachers may provide some additional organizational information for their particular class section. But, the basic information on this course syllabus will be common to all sections of the course. If you have questions, please call or email your teacher (see "Our School" -- "Contact Us" -- "Staff Directory" on the NNHS website).
Please note: NNHS has an Academic Integrity Code. That Code is not referenced on every syllabi posted on this site, but it applies to the work students do for every course on this site. All students are expected to know the Academic Integrity Code, the definitions of cheating and the consequences of violating the Code. The Code is found on the NNHS website under "Our School."
Comm Arts Course Syllabi
Blended African American Literature Syllabus
Blended African American Literature Syllabus 24-25.pdf 327.73 KB (Last Modified on September 4, 2024)