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All schools in Naperville School District 203 have a uniform procedure for reporting absences and have two methods to make that request.
There is a positive relationship between regular attendance and academic success and student growth and performance. All students are required by law to be in attendance at school each day that school is officially in session. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children’s regular attendance.Reporting An AbsencePlease use the online procedures or contact the Health Office absentee line at 630-848-3969 to report an absence. It is available 24 hours a day to leave a recorded message.ONLINE PROCEDURES:Log into your Infinite Campus Portal:
Watch this short video for step-by-step directions.
CALL-IN PROCEDURES:You will be asked to give the reason for the absence as well as the child's name, teacher's name, and the date. Absences must be reported each consecutive day.We are required by Illinois state law to begin calling contact numbers if your student is absent and the Health Office has not received a message.If you know your child is going to be absent due to a trip or extended illness, please send a note, email or phone the Health Office with the dates. The Health Office will then pass the information on to the classroom teacher.Requests for homework should go directly to the teacher.Excused absences are illness, observance of certain religious holidays, a death in the family or medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged outside of school hours.When to keep a student homePlease keep your student home,- If your child’s oral temperature exceeds 100 degrees F. They should remain home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without taking medication.
- If your child vomits and continues to experience nausea and/or vomiting.
- If your child shows signs of upper respiratory infection (cold symptoms) serious enough to interfere with the child’s ability to learn.
A complete list can be found on the District's Attendance/Absence Reporting page.
Unreported AbsencesIf a student is absent and the parent has not called in, school personnel will attempt to contact the parents/guardian at home or at work. If the attempt to contact the parent is unsuccessful, the school will then attempt to contact the emergency numbers that have been designated on the emergency card. If no one can be reached, the school administrator will be notified and he/she will determine what further action is necessary. This procedure is being used to ensure the safety of our students.
Late ArrivalsStudents arriving to school late must report to the office before attending class. If the student has been reported absent in the morning and decides to return to school in the afternoon, they must report to the office upon returning.
Unexcused AbsencesRemoving students from school for vacations is strongly discouraged. If such a situation is unavoidable, school personnel should be informed as soon as possible. Students will be responsible for all work missed and it may not be practical or feasible for teachers to provide work for students in advance.- Your child’s safety is our top priority. For this reason, we request your attention to these procedures.