What do I do first if I want my child to attend Ann Reid Early Childhood Center?
All children applying for preschool must be residents of Naperville School District 203. See District 203’s website for enrollment steps, https://www.naperville203.org/annreidenrollment
During the enrollment process you will be required to provide proof of residency documentation, your child’s original/certified copy birth certificate and a Parenting Agreement, if applicable.
What can I do if I don’t speak English and need support enrolling my child at Ann Reid?
Centralized Enrollment staff is prepared to help all families, regardless of what language is spoken. We have a Spanish speaking staff member, as well as other resources to assist families with any language that is spoken.
What are the age requirements to attend Ann Reid Early Childhood Center?
Students must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1 to attend preschool at Ann Reid Early Childhood Center. No exceptions will be made.
Are all eligible children automatically enrolled at Ann Reid Early Childhood Center?
Preschool is not mandatory in the State of Illinois. We have limited spots available at Ann Reid Early Childhood Center. Please visit the website and complete the Intake Form and follow the steps to complete the enrollment process in person at our Centralized Enrollment Office.
What happens after I enroll my child through Centralized Enrollment for Ann Reid Preschool?
There will be additional questionnaires that need to be completed by families which will be sent directly to you, via email. Once these documents have been received, you will be contacted by Ann Reid staff.
What is the tuition program?
The tuition program is a 4 day per week half day preschool program for children ages 3 and 4 years old by September 1 of the current school year. Tuition students attend Tuesday thru Friday, 2.5 hours per day in either a morning or afternoon session. The cost is $265 per month. Children in this program must be toilet trained.
How do I apply for the tuition program?
After the intake and enrollment process has been completed, families will be sent an email that will include a Lottery Submission Form. Families will need to complete this prior to being considered for the lottery.
Do you have a full day tuition-based preschool program?
No, we do not have a full day tuition-based preschool program. Tuition paying students attend Tuesday through Friday for 2.5 hours in either a morning or afternoon session.
What documents are required to complete enrollment and registration for the tuition-based program?
Please visit the Naperville 203 Website for information necessary for enrollment. During the enrollment process, you will be required to share residency documentation, child’s birth certification and any current parenting agreements.
What if I cannot afford the tuition program?
Naperville 203 offers Preschool For All programming. If you are interested in additional information about Preschool For All programing, please contact Noemi Vargas nvargas@naperville203.org.
When will I know if my child has been placed in the tuition-based program?
Parents will be notified mid-March via email, if their child has been placed in our tuition program for the upcoming school year.
Does my child need to be evaluated to enroll in the tuition-based program at Ann Reid?
No. Your student does not need to be evaluated to apply for the tuition program.
What if my health care provider, private preschool teacher, or other professional has indicated I should request a preschool screening?
Please visit the website at https://www.naperville203.org/annreidenrollment, submit an Intake Form and follow the steps to complete the enrollment process. If you would like more information about the screening process, please contact Megan MacConnachie or call 630-420-6899 and ask to speak with Megan regarding a preschool screening.
What if I have concerns about my child’s development and would like to request a preschool screening?
Please visit the website at https://www.naperville203.org/annreidenrollment, submit an Intake Form and follow the steps to complete the enrollment process. If you would like more information about the screening process, please contact Megan MacConnachie or call 630-420-6899 and ask to speak with Megan regarding a preschool screening.
What is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan. This plan supports students with an identified disability between the ages of 3 and 21, who have qualified for special education services.