Activities & Clubs
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- Chess & Game Club
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- First Lego League
- Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
- Jazz Band
- Jefferson Singers
- Jefferson Spring Musical
- Math Team
- More Than Green
- Patriot Press
- Photography Club
- Positivity Club
- SciTech Club
- Speech & Drama Team
- String Fusion
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- Yearbook
Sponsor: Sara Finkelstein
More Than Green is a student-led educational, extracurricular activity that promotes learning through horticulture, gardening and maintains some of the landscaping of JJHS. Created by students, this group works together to create and take care of the raised garden beds and landscaping in front of Jefferson; our club fosters floral design, plant learning, and flower/vegetable gardening. This is the second year of the club's existence. This year we plan to utilize a $3,000 grant from The Whole Kids Foundation. We will continue to foster hands-on educational opportunities and a connection to healthy eating and growing food resourcefully. We will learn about hydroponics and plan the spring gardens this school year just to list a few things.
We will continue to meet in the morning, before school, and sometimes, as warranted, during lunch/recess times. Come join our team of motivated and creative students!