Health/PE Standards for Standard Base Grading:
- Demonstrates physical activity utilizing a variety of movement patterns.
- Demonstrates ability to understand heart rate
- Understands basic fitness concepts
- Understands the concepts of the health triangle
- Understands the effects tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs on the body.
Curriculum Night 2024-2025
Physical Education and Health Education Team
Mr. Williams, Team LeaderPhysical EducationEmail: rwilliams@naperville203.orgVoice Mail: (630) 848-5632
Mr. Brown, Athletic Director
Physical Education
Email: sjbrown@naperville203.org
Voice Mail: (630) 420-3430
Mrs. FedderlyPhysical EducationEmail: kfedderly@naperville203.orgVoice Mail: (630) 848-5497
Mrs. HirstHealth EducationEmail: rhirst@naperville203.orgVoice Mail: (630) 848-5534
Ms. StanleyPhysical EducationEmail: nstanley@naperville203.orgVoice Mail: (630) 848-5342Mr. Quaid