Children in our Program
All children, ages 3-5 (but not eligible for kindergarten) are possible candidates for attendance at the Ann Reid Early Childhood Center. We accept children with or without disabilities, although there are limited openings for community/tuition paying students. There are three different ways the program is funded:1. Community students pay tuition2. Students in our Preschool for All program are eligible for free preschool program that is funded by an Illinois state grant
3. Students with an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) are eligible for the preschool programCommunity Preschool
Ann Reid offers a tuition based preschool program that provides a rich and diverse experience for all children.
The community program offers:
- Instruction aligned to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards and D203 kindergarten curricula
- Classes that meet four days per week
- Half day sessions, either morning or afternoon
- Teachers certified by the State of Illinois in Early Childhood General Education, Special Education, and English as a Second Language
- Classrooms offering a richly diverse environment with a blend of children that are typically developing along with children that have identified special education needs
- Snacks and supplies are included in the tuition fee
Community Student Requirements:
1. must be three years old by September 1st of that school year
2. must be a resident of Naperville School District 203
3. pay tuition amount (subject to change by the School Board)
4. must be toilet trained (no pull-ups)
5. attend four days a week, Tuesday through Friday (morning 8:30-11:00am, afternoon 12:15-2:45pm)
6. are not provided transportation or after school careFor further information concerning Community Preschool, please contact Annalise Hausman at 630-420-6899 or e-mail ahausman@naperville203.org
Preschool for All
The Preschool for All Program is a preschool program funded by an Illinois state grant for children ages 3-5 years. Children are found eligible by going through the District 203 Preschool Screening process and by meeting district criteria.
The Preschool for All Program offers the following:
- Instruction aligned to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards and D203 kindergarten curricula
- Classes five days per week
- Half-day sessions, either morning or afternoon
- Teachers certified by the State of Illinois in Early Childhood General Education, Special Education, and English as a Second Language
- Transportation to and from school
- Classrooms offering a richly diverse environment with a blend of children that are typically developing along with children that have identified special education needs
- Snacks and supplies are included free of charge
- In-home visits scheduled throughout the year to help extend learning and provide another means of communication between home and school
- Evening family events
The curriculum followed in our program is The Creative Curriculum which is aligned to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards. These standards are the framework upon which the program is built. Active engagement is one of the hallmarks of learning and student engagement is monitored and an important focus of the program.
School Hours and Days
Morning session is 8:30 am to 11:00 am, drop off time is 8:15 am to 8:30 am
Afternoon session is 12:15 pm to 2:45 pm, drop off time is 12:05 pm to 12:15 pm
Extended Day is 8:30 am to 1:30 pmOur hours are different from the elementary day to accommodate parents with school aged children. This allows time to get to and from the Ann Reid Early Childhood Center. Children should arrive at school ten minutes before instruction begins. Community students attend school four days per week. All other children attend five days per week
Daily Schedule
Each teacher’s individual schedule may vary but the following components are included in all classrooms:
1. Table activities & fine motor activities
2. Large Group and Community Building
3. Center work and Snack
4. Playground/Gym/Gross Motor Development
5. Story time
6. Small Group Lessons