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ARECC Transportation Updates

Transportation Updates. 8/20/2024

We encourage you to call Sunrise transportation directly with any concerns that you may have about busing at 630-541-3414.


Car Drop-off and Pick-up:


In order to allow staff access to the parking lot, please do not enter the parking lot area until 8:05 am and 11:55 am.


Staff will not begin to unload students from cars until 8:15 am and 12:05 pm.


Please follow the new Parent Drive procedures that were put into place with the support of the City of Naperville traffic division:


  • Form two lines upon entering Parent Drive

  • Merge into one line as you approach the loading zone, in a right/left, every other car pattern (think Chick Fil A)

  • When leaving the parking lot, cars may only turn right onto Naper Boulevard (heading South)


Other Reminders for Parent Drive:

  • Tags should be displayed on the rear view mirror

  • If a staff member is not outside to call in your car number, you will need to park and pick your child up from the main office with your personal ID.

  • Safety Rules:

    • No cell phone use in a school zone

    • Students should enter and exit the car on the PASSENGER SIDE

    • WAIT for a staff member to be present outside before letting your child out of the car

    • MOST STUDENTS should walk independently on the 'ducks' on the sidewalk into the school

    • STAY in your car until your child is brought to your car at DISMISSAL

    • Parents are responsible for buckling/unbuckling their child


All bus riders will be met by staff members at the start of the school year to guide children to their classrooms and to the correct bus.


Bus Arrival:

An adult at home should be ready to bring your child to the bus and receive your child after school. Times may vary at the beginning of the year as everyone is learning their routines. Be prepared 10 minutes before to 10 minutes after your scheduled time. Sing songs, read books, or play games while you wait for the bus to arrive. Buses typically will wait 3 minutes at a location for the family to board the bus.


Bus Dismissal:

Buses will come door to door. They will only release your child to a familiar adult. Be prepared with your ID as the driver becomes familiar with your family. Adults need to be ready for the bus. Drivers will not honk their horn or get off the bus to notify you of their arrival.