Mission Statement

  • The mission of Elmwood School is to create:

    • Self-directed learners who make responsible choices; seek out and persist in quality learning experiences; set purposeful and achievable goals; assess and reflect upon their learning;
    • Collaborative workers who demonstrate respect for self and others; work cooperatively within a group towards a common goal, and are productive group members;
    • Complex thinkers who successfully access, evaluate and utilize information; problem-solve strategically; and express their knowledge and learning through a variety of mediums.
    • Quality producers who efficiently and effectively use learning resources to construct purposeful, authentic and creative products that represent their learning while assessing the quality of their work;
    • Community contributors who have an understanding of others’ abilities, cultures and beliefs and use that knowledge to impact their world by exercising their rights and responsibilities as compassionate citizens.
  • For information regarding District 203's Mission Statement, please see the district site.