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Grade 2
Second grade is an exciting and busy year!
In reading, second graders will be challenged to think more deeply about what they read. Both fiction and nonfiction texts will be explored, and students will be encouraged to think critically about and beyond the text. Students will learn the narrative and expository writing formats. Students will be encouraged to edit and revise their daily written work and make sure they are expressing their thoughts in an organized way. Students will also have experience speaking in front of an audience by preparing mini-speeches on a variety of topics.
A main focus in math will be on developing problem solving skills as math thinkers. Students will learn how to explain their thinking, compare their own thinking to the thinking of others, and show their work using a variety of strategies. Students will learn to think flexibly and solve more complicated problems using learned strategies.
In science, students will think like scientists and dive into the exciting topics of rocks, sound, and life cycles. Second graders love watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly! Through our various units in social science, one of the highlights is learning about Naperville’s past and going to Naperville Settlement. We also "travel" across the world to Australia. In addition, second graders learn about and use conflict management strategies.
Second graders will work hard and have a lot of fun!