Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time does school start?

  • What time can students arrive in the morning?

  • How do I report student absences?

  • How do I pay my child's school fees?

  • What is the best way to reach my child's teacher if I have questions?

  • When do the students have indoor and outdoor recess?

  • What are the lunch/recess times for the different grades?

  • How do I know when my child needs to wear their gym shoes?

  • What is the hot lunch this week?

  • Can my child order hot lunch or milk once in a while, or do they have to order every day?

  • How do I drop something off for my child because it was forgotten at home?

  • Where will I find information about school rules?

  • How do I become a volunteer?

  • Can I bring treats for my child's birthday?

  • When is the last day of school?

  • On early dismissal days, what time are the students dismissed?

  • More questions?