Frequently Asked Questions
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What procedure do I follow if my child is going to be absent or late to school?
Posted by:During the school year, the following procedure for reporting absences will be used. If your child will be absent, you are to call and notify the school before 8:00 a.m. To report an absence call: 630-848-5636. The Attendance Line is open 24 hours a day. Parents should be prepared to give the following information: Name, spelling the last name, Grade, and Reason for absence.Please do not request homework for student on the Attendance Line. Email the teacher for this request.
The school must be informed anytime the student will not be in school. Parents are notified if their students are not in school and are not called in on the attendance line. Excused absences are:illness, doctor's appointment, a death in the family and certain religious holidays., parent request. The district has a list of accepted religious holidays. Take Your Student to Work Day is not recognized by the district. Students missing that day will be counted absent but excused.Students are granted one family emergency tardy per trimester. By law, students missing first hour are marked 1/2 day absent from school. Students missing three academic classes are marked as a fully day absence. (Lunch and supervised study are not classified as academic instruction.) Students missing part or all of the first hour (unexcused) will receive a lunch detention. Any student arriving to class during the first five minutes is considered tardy to class and not tardy to school. These are handled by the teacher. Students missing two classes unexcused will receive a p.m. detention. Students unexcused from a 1/2 day of school (three classes) will automatically receive a Saturday School Detention. Students unexcused for a full day will receive an in school suspension. After five consecutive missed days, (or 10% of the required days of attendance) students that continue to miss all or part of a school day due to illness will be required to submit a doctor's note. Letter will be mailed home when students reach the 10% levels. -
If my child has unexcused tardiness, will I be informed?
Posted by:Yes, after the fourth unexcused tardy you will be informed by phone call or by a tardy form that your child will receive a detention. Each student receives one family emergency tardy per trimester. Except for doctor's appointments, all other tardies are unexcused. Tardiness due to illness will be accepted 3 times before a doctor's note is required. Tardy records are wiped clean at the beginning of each trimester. -
If I need to pick up my child early from school, what is the procedure?
Posted by:If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please send a note to school with your child. The note should include your student's name and grade, the reason for leaving the building, and the time you will be picking them up. Your student should turn in this note to the office, before 8:00 a.m. The office does not call your student; he/she will be given a pass stating the time they are to leave the classroom. When you come in to pick up your child, you must go to the office and sign him/her out. Remember to include the time you will be picking your child up, not the time of the appointment, in the note. -
Do I need to come back into the building and sign my student in?
Posted by:Yes, unless your student has a pass provided by your doctor or dentist. -
What is the proper procedure for dropping off or picking up my student?
Posted by:All students should be dropped off at the front (north) entrance. All vehicles should enter from the east driveway and exit through the west driveway. Please form one line, next to the curb closest to the front of the school. Drop off students quickly and then move on. If you are done dropping off before the person ahead of you, the right side of the driveway is for pulling out (with caution.) Please pause at the pedestrian cross walk before exiting. Please do not enter the parking lot to drop off students because this adds to delaying the traffic flow and is dangerous to your child. The bus lane (far west) is reserved for buses only at all times. No cars should drive into the back parking lot. -
What if my child needs to make a phone call from school?
Posted by:Students may bring cell phones to school, but the phones must be turned off and stored in their locker from the time students arrive at school until 2:50 p.m. A phone is available for students to use. Office phones are only available to students in an emergency situation. -
What if my child has to take any medication (over-the-counter or prescribed) during the school year?
Posted by:Have your physician complete a medication permission form. You can obtain this form either from our Health Office or go to the district Health Form Site at We must have this form on file before we can dispense any medication to your child.
Medication, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be brought to school in the original pharmacy or manufacturer's container. Over-the-counter medication containers need to be labeled with your child's name and grade.
Any medication currently at school will be sent home with your child on the last full day of school, with the exception of emergency medications. These will be sent home the last day of class attendance. Please let the Health Office know if this is unacceptable so that other arrangements can be made.
What if my child has a life threatening allergy?
Posted by:The child should be fully aware of what happens to them when exposed to these situations. Our Health Office also needs to be aware of this condition and have current and accurate Emergency Contact Information. As parent/guardian, we strongly suggest that you visit our Health Office as soon as possible to insure all proper forms are complete, secondary medication(s) are available and all other questions may be properly addressed in a timely fashion.