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  • Motivate   Understand   Share   Inspire   Collaborate

    We believe music is an essential part of learning and all students should have equitable access to a comprehensive, cohesive, and rigorous program of study that develops music literacy and instills a lifelong love, enjoyment, understanding, and respect for music.

    The music program of study will:

    • Provide opportunities for creating, performing, responding, and connecting to music independently and collaboratively, while engaging in authentic, developmentally appropriate experiences.
    • Prepare students to explore, experience, and perform music of a variety of genres and styles both individually and in community.
    • Provide individualized skill development, where students can realize their potential and become college and career ready.
    • Deepen the understanding of music as a common language that bridges cultures and history.
    • Nurture a personal level of understanding, appreciation, and passion for music.
  • Creating

    As musicians, students create and develop new artistic ideas and work through melody, rhythm, sounds, and instruments.


    Performing / Presenting / Producing

    As musicians, students discover artistic ideas through interpretation and presentation.



    As musicians, students understand and evaluate how the arts convey meaning.



    As musicians, students relate music ideas with personal meaning.