Principal's Newsletter

  • Dear Prairie Families,
    I recently saw a meme online that said, “Summer should get a speeding ticket.” While it gave
    me a quick chuckle, it certainly echoed a truth that I am sure many of you are feeling. Where
    did summer go? Here I sit in my office less than a month away from welcoming back students,
    staff, and families to the start of the 2022-2023 school year asking myself that very question.
    While it seems like we just headed out for summer vacation, there is something exciting about
    the start of a new school year and all that it brings with it!

    A new year brings some new faces. I am pleased to welcome the following individuals to the
    Prairie staff:
    ● Mrs. Erin MacDonald - 5th Grade
    ● Ms. Margaret Latona- Occupational Therapist
    ● Mr. Johnny Ramos - Custodian

    Below are some key pieces of information to assist you in planning for the start of the school

    ● The 2022-2023 Summer Update Information can be found on our website by hovering
    your cursor over the “Our School” tab in the upper left hand corner and then click on the
    “2022-23 Summer Update” tab in the drop down menu. You can also click on the
    website’s Summer Update banner.
    ● Classroom and teacher assignments for kindergarten through fifth grade will be posted
    through Infinite Campus on Wednesday, August 10 at 3:00 p.m. Parents will access their
    child’s classroom assignment via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Visit the District 203
    website ( and click on the Campus Portal link on the left
    side. Follow the prompts to create your parent account. If you have difficulty with your
    account, contact the help desk by email at
    ● Transportation information can be accessed in the Campus Portal
    ( starting on August 9 at 3:00 p.m., please check back
    frequently, including the day before school starts, as changes can occur in routes, pick-up
    times, and/or drop-off times. If you need assistance regarding transportation
    information, call the Transportation Department at 630-420-6464
    ● The first day of school for all students will be Wednesday, August 17th. As we move
    closer to that date, information will be shared related to lining up and entering the
    building on the first day of school.
    ● Tours for families that are new to Prairie School will be provided by the Home & School
    Association on Thursday, August 11th. Students with last names A-M are scheduled
    from 9:00-9:30. Students with last names N-Z are scheduled from 9:45-10:15. Please
    plan on meeting in the Multi Purpose Room (MPR) where representatives from Home &
    School will conduct the tours.
    ● Students in Grades K-5 are invited to meet their teacher and visit their classroom on
    Monday, August 15th from 2:00-3:00. More information about this event will be

    Have a wonderful final few weeks of summer vacation.

    Mr. Zallis – Principal


  • Mr. Zallis

    Mr. Zallis
    Principal, Prairie Elementary

    Ms. Brandes

    Ms. Brandes
    Assistant Principal, Prairie Elementary