What is expected behavior during Drop-Off?
- All drop-offs of students should take place between the bike racks and the driveway entrance to the school on 11th Street.
- All cars must pull forward as far as possible. Our staff will help get students into the closest door of the school.
- Students need to exit the vehicle through the passenger side of the car.
- Drivers must remain in their vehicle while moving through the lane.
- All drivers must follow.
What is unexpected behavior during Drop-Off?
- U-turns on 11th
- Parking your vehicle in the lane
- Speeding down 11th
- Cutting around cars that are not moving forward at a pace appropriate to you.
Staff are supervising to help students get in and out of cars along with moving our traffic along. They may remind you of expectations so that we can expedite the lane smoothly. Students need to be accompanied by an adult if you are dropping a student off in the front parking lot. Since buses use our bus lane, we have cross walks that we ask you to use with your guidance. We appreciate everyone taking the time to help our students get to school safely.
As a reminder, all parents/guardians should drop students off on 11th Avenue. Please do not use 12th Avenue as a pick up or drop off location. In working with the Naperville Police Department and City of Naperville, this is not our building designated car lane and as such there is no crossing guard. There will not be a staff member to assist students with crossing the street or stopping cars. Thank you for your help to keep our students and community safe during arrival and dismissal!