

    School Psychologist

    Ms. Katie Downs


    School Psychologist

    Ms. Viktorija Bielskyte



    School Psychologist Program Description (PDF) in Naperville District 203


    Who are School Psychologists?

    School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. They use their training and skills to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment.

    In Illinois, School Psychologists hold a Master's Degree or higher in Psychology, Educational Psychology, or School Psychology. They serve a one-year internship under the supervision of an experienced School Psychologist and are then awarded a certificate through the Illinois State Board of Education if they have been successful in completing all requirements.


    What do School Psychologists do?
    • Collaborate with teachers, parents, and administrators about problems in learning and behavior to establish healthy and effective alternatives
    • Help others understand child development and how it affects learning and behavior
    • Strengthen working relationships between educators, parents, and community services
    • Establish and review the outcomes of interventions
    • Adjust strategies to improve outcomes
    • Advocate for the needs of individual students both within and outside of the school setting


    Assessment – use a wide variety of techniques at an individual, group, and systems level to evaluate:

    • Academic skills and learning aptitudes
    • Personality, emotional, and behavioral development
    • Social competence
    • Adaptive behavior
    • Learning environments and school climate
    • Effectiveness of intervention strategies
    • Eligibility for special education


    Academic and Behavior Intervention -  Prevention - Counseling - Mental Health Care Provision - Research and Planning