Intramurals Overview
Madison Junior High has always been very proud of its intramural program. Intramurals are run for one sole purpose, your children. Intramurals are constantly changing in an effort to fit the needs of all our students.
This is a schedule of our planned intramurals for this school year. Your sons and daughters are welcome to participate in any of the listed intramurals. However, intramurals may be changed during the course of the school year.
*** The school district requires a one-time fee of $26 for all intramural participants per school year. This may be paid at registration or to your school secretary. Please make checks payable to Naperville Community School District 203.***
Intramural dates are tentative and subject to change as needed. Some intramurals meet on a daily basis and some meet once per week depending on the nature of the intramural activity!Parents: please sign up for MJHS Activities Remind. Activities Remind Instructions