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Report An Absence
All schools in Naperville School District 203 have a uniform procedure for reporting absences and have two methods to make that request.
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Reporting student absences on a daily basis is a parent's responsibility.
To report a Daily Absence: Call 630-420-6576 any time before 7:45 a.m.Please be ready to record the following:a. Dateb. Student’s Name (please spell the last name)c. Teacher’s Named. Reason for absenceIf you anticipate that your child will be absent for more than one day, please call 630-420-6576 again between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 discuss the situation with our school health technician or nurse.
If a child is absent, and we have not received a call, we will attempt to reach you by calling your home or another number which you have designated for checking on absences. We ask that this designated number be other than your home telephone number. An unreported absence could be a safety issue! We will make every effort to call these two numbers by 10:00 a.m. to check on unreported absences.
Your child should remain home until he or she is healthy enough to return to participate in all school activities. This includes outdoor recess. It is important to ensure your child is properly attired for a brief period of outside play. Following district guidelines, your child will be expected to participate in outdoor recess if the wind chill index is at zero or above.WRITTEN REQUESTS TO REMAIN INSIDE WILL BE HONORED IF WRITTEN BY A DOCTOR
These requests usually involve casts or use of crutches and should be presented to the personnel in our health office.ABSENCES UNRELATED TO ILLNESS
While we understand that occasional absences for reasons other than illness may be unavoidable, we urge you to avoid planning vacations during school attendance time. Your child will benefit from regular attendance. Attendance is monitored carefully and you will be contacted if absences and tardies begin to accumulate.