Kennedy Junior High Home & School Meeting
Kennedy Junior High Home & School strives to enhance the school experience for every student. There are a variety of ways you can be involved, depending upon your schedule. We assist with several Kennedy events throughout the school year. For example, our committees offer spirit wear, PE uniforms, and school supplies. We provide assistance to families in need and fundraising through the Annual Fundraiser. Our Moving On committee helps coordinate the 8th Grade graduation event. Volunteering is a great way to support the students and get to know Kennedy and the Kennedy community.
2023-2024 Meeting Information
Exec Board monthly
Kennedy Home & School meeting every other month
Meetings via Zoom
Tuesday, September 5
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, September 12
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - in person
Tuesday, October 10
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, November 7
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - zoom
Tuesday, November 14
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - zoom
Tuesday, December 12
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, January 16
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, January 23
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - zoom
Tuesday, February 6
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, March 5
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, March 12
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - zoom
Tuesday, April 9
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, May 7
- 7:00 pm Exec Board
Tuesday, May 21
- 7:00 pm Kennedy H&S - zoom