• Communication

    Communication is an essential process for any successful school.  Not only do my staff and I want to capitalize on our ability to send our outgoing messages in the most effective manner, we also want to provide clear lines of communication for us to receive information from our students, their families, and the community.

    Below is a list of the medium of how we communicate outwardly to our community and where to look for information:

    Our website contains links to news and information related to our students and community. Please consider bookmarking https://www.naperville203.org/Domain/23 on your computer, tablet, or smartphone as a way of keeping up with Kennedy news and information.

    Talk 203 Messages:  
    Kennedy Talk203 e-mails provide pertinent and timely information Kennedy families need to know in the upcoming week.

    @KJHSEagles Twitter account:  
    Tweets link to current events and student activities. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to get the latest school happenings in your feed.

    School Signage:  
    Our Green Trails Drive marquee reinforces information already communicated through the website or Talk 203.  This sign is updated several times during the month; though timely, its intended use is for reminders.

    Student Safety Concerns:
    If a legitimate and genuine concern for the safety of a student has come to your attention, the following school staff can be an important resource:

    Kristen Oros, Assistant Principal           (630) 420-3222      koros@naperville203.org
    Patrick Gaskin, Principal                        (630) 420-3220     pgaskin@naperville203.org  
    Officer Armitage, School Resource Officer       (630) 420-2823