World Music Ensemble
The Scott School World Music Ensemble, directed by Miss Tarson, is an after school group for 5th grade students. Through music and dance, students learn about and build connections to world cultures.
Members have performed at the 5th grade music program, for the volunteer luncheon, at the Illinois Music Educator's Conference, and at NIU for music education faculty and students. At NIU, the WME members also experience a hands on workshop playing Javanese and Balinese Gamelan and Caribbean Steel Pan presented by NIU faculty. Several guest artists have shared their culture with ensemble members including music and dance of Puerto Rico and Latin America, China, and India.
Students meet weekly (generally starting in January and continuing through mid May) Tuesday afternoons from 2:30 – 3:20 p.m. Regular attendance is strongly encouraged and appreciated!
Information about and application for interested students wishing to join the World Music Ensemble will be shared by early January.
World Music Ensemble Advisor
Miss Susan Tarson
World Music Ensemble Advisor