• Vision, Mission and Beliefs

    • Naperville 203 Vision

      Building a Passion for Lifelong Learning

      Naperville 203 Mission

      The mission of Naperville Community Unit School District 203 is to empower students to develop a learner’s mindset, demonstrate adaptability, communicate effectively, think critically, and become global citizens.


      • Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities, roles, and situations.
      • Demonstrate agility and resilience in thoughts and actions.
      • Respond productively to feedback, praise, setbacks, and criticism.
      • Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions.


      • Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
      • Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions.
      • Use communication for a range of purposes and audiences including to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
      • Seek, contribute, and respond to feedback to achieve collective outcomes.

      Critical Thinking

      • Understand the bigger picture and propose solutions that consider the effects on the whole system.
      • Consistently improve the quality of one's own thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing.
      • Apply disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence.
      • Access, evaluate, and integrate information effectively, using appropriate tools and resources wisely, ethically, and efficiently.

      Learner’s Mindset

      • Embrace curiosity to experience new ideas, while developing positive attitudes and beliefs about learning.
      • Possess the desire to learn, unlearn, and relearn.
      • Find and maximize opportunities to actively listen and elicit diverse perspectives from others.
      • Adopt a dynamic mindset, embracing flexibility and taking ownership, with intrinsic motivation and an eagerness to evolve.

      Global Citizen 

      • Demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, concern, and respect to connect with others' feelings, opinions, experiences, and culture.
      • Value and embrace diverse cultures and unique perspectives through mutual respect and open dialogue.
      • Demonstrate personal, civic, social, local, and global responsibility through ethical and empathetic behaviors.
      • Elicit diverse perspectives and contributions.
    • Profile of a Learner

    • Naperville 203 Beliefs

       Naperville Community Unit School District 203 believes an exemplary school district...
      • Values the dignity and uniqueness of each individual
      • Promotes responsible citizenship
      • Is the result of a collective partnership of students, staff, parents and community.