Dress Code

  • At Washington Junior High we expect students to wear attire that is appropriate for the academic setting.  Inappropriate dress is defined in the district policy below:

    District Policy

    Naperville 203

    Student Dress Code 


    The student dress code in Naperville 203 is derived from Board Policy 7:160 - Student Appearance: Students’ appearance, including dress and personal hygiene, must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health and safety.


    Intended Purpose: To promote a positive learning environment in schools consistent with the values of Naperville 203 and to ensure a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all students, staff and the community, regardless of their race, age, ability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, socio-economic circumstances, or body type/size.

    Guidelines for the instructional day: An individual’s dress, personal appearance, cleanliness, as well as behavior, demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for the learning community. 

    • Students must wear tops, bottoms, and shoes.
    • Clothes must be worn in a way that genitals, buttocks, and nipples are fully covered with opaque (non-transparent) material.
    • All undergarments must be covered by outer attire (visible straps are allowed).
    • Caps, hats, or head coverings may be worn in the building during the school day provided they do not compromise the ability to identify a student, compromise academic integrity, or cause a disruption to the learning environment.
    • Attire or accessories that directly, by innuendo, or look-alike promote alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, profanity, violence, gangs, and weapons may not be worn at school.
    • Students cannot wear anything that includes hate speech, images, or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment for others, including any protected class or marginalized group. Hate speech includes any form of expression through which speakers vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color, sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, immigrant status, or national origin (adapted from the American Library Association).

    *These guidelines may be adapted by building/district administrators for special events or other school sponsored activities. Student athletic and activity apparel will be defined by safety and competitive performance standards. All dress code adaptations must follow Board Policy 7:160 - Student Appearance. 


    To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently using the procedures below. To minimize classroom disruption, staff may direct the student to Student Services staff to assist with enforcement.

    1. Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing-if available at school,
    2. Students will be provided with temporary school clothing,
    3. Parents may be called to bring alternative clothing

    Classroom teachers will make the determination if clothing is a disruption to the class. Students should be warned that their attire is inappropriate or disruptive. A change of clothes will be made. Shirts may be turned inside out if wording can be hidden or a cover-up can be put on to fix the problem.  Students who have been requested to change their attire must keep it changed throughout the school day. Failure to do so will result in an office referral.