Teams at Washington

    Students at Washington are divided into grade level teams where they share a core group of teachers for the subjects of  language arts, math, science, and social science.  The teams' teachers meet weekly to share information about curriculum, students, and upcoming events. 
    5th Grade Team

    Bobcats:  Jason Kowalkowski, Anna Paige & Angela Bergantino (LBS)

    6th Grade Teams and Team Leaders
    Cougars:  Rachel Bornancin (TL), Emily Brooks, Jennifer Trannon, Jamie Cuny, Amy Willer (LBS)
    Pumas:    Shawna Zimmerman (TL), Jessica Markelz, Kim Jachim, Bob Hamann (LBS)
    7th Grade Teams and Team Leaders
    Cheetahs:   Lori Kimberley (TL), Stephanie Scumaci, Nikki Pagano, Kaitlyn M. Henaghan, Lynn Cibils (LBS) 
    Panthers:    Kate Fors (TL), David Rebus, Allan Zwettler, Mike Nutt (LBS)  
    8th Grade Teams and Team Leaders
    Tigers:      Jill Rosner (TL), Heather Pate, Eric Coppersmith, Rodney Johnson, Bridget Kurkamp (LBS)
    Lions:       Gina Pellegrino (TL), Lauren Labriola, Tom Auld, Ashley Johnson (LBS)