Early Dismissal

  •  Appointments/Early Dismissal from School

    For your convenience, when your child needs to leave school early, or you need to take your child to an appointment during the school day, please follow the procedures listed below:

    •  The day of the appointment, send a note with your student indicating what time you need to pick him/her up and the reason for leaving.

    •  Your child must bring the note to the main office before 8:00 a.m.  A pass will be provided and all teachers are notified of any early dismissals.

    •  A parent/guardian must come into the building to sign the student out.

    • The pass should be given to the appropriate teacher at the beginning of the class period.  When it is time to leave, your child may proceed to the main office to wait for you.  Parents/guardians or documented emergency contacts may pick up the student after signing them out in the main office.  In certain situations and with parent/guardian notification, an authorized, legal adult may also pick up the student.

    • When your child returns, he/she must check in at the main office and receive an admittance slip for their next class.  Students returning from an early dismissal must be signed in by their parent or present a doctor's signed admittance card.

    •  The admittance pass obtained in the office should be presented to the next classroom teacher.

    Note:  Students are not permitted to leave school grounds during the day without permission from the office.   Students missing academic classes will be marked absent (excused).