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Physical Education
Welcome to Naper Physical Education! All students, grades K-4 receive PE (Physical Education). Times vary from 25-30 minutes twice a week.
At the K-2 grade levels, we focus on spatial awareness (moving in various types of spaces safely (crowded, personal and open), body control, boundary awareness and locomotor movements (skipping, hopping, jumping, side sliding, leaping and running).
Introduced at the K-2 level, but refined and practiced to a greater extent at the 3-4 level are sports related skills such as passing, dribbling, kicking, throwing and catching. These skills are taught in a variety of units including basketball, soccer, hockey, football, rugby, and volleyball. These units also incorporate teamwork, communication and cooperation skills.
Students in 4th grade take “fitness tests” in the spring. These tests include sit and reach (testing their flexibility), curl-ups (core), and mile run (cardiovascular endurance).
Student grades in PE will be based on not only ability and growth/progress, but also on behavior, effort and participation.
All students are eligible to participate in our Running Club. This annual club meets twice a week and prepares students for optional races and works on pacing, endurance and having fun while exercising!
Students in grades 1 – 4 are invited to join their grade level’s “Before School PE” Intramurals program. Each grade level has 4 dates where the students can come in before school (7:30-8:00am), vote on their favorite PE activities and then play! It’s a great way to fire up the neurons before school even begins!
Chris Talac - Email